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National & World News
Update: Make prayer part of your hand-washing to fight virus, says diocese
IMAGE: CNS illustration/courtesy Diocese of Dallas By WASHINGTON (CNS) — "How to hand-wash Catholic style" reads the headline on an informational graphic from the Diocese of Dallas. It suggests Catholics say the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be as they follow the protocol for hand-washing being recommended around the …
Update: West Virginia bishop requires new protocols for safe environment program
IMAGE: CNS photo/Colleen Rowan, The Catholic Spirit By Colleen Rowan WHEELING, W.Va. (CNS) — Expanding the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston’s Safe Environment Program, Bishop Mark E. Brennan is requiring additional protocols to increase safety and reduce risk of sexual abuse in Catholic schools and parishes. In a Feb. 20 letter to …
Christ’s Gospel can satisfy hunger, thirst for justice, pope says
IMAGE: CNS photo/Vatican Media By Junno Arocho Esteves VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Amid a nationwide lockdown due to the coronavirus epidemic, Pope Francis soldiered on with his weekly general audience and called on people to not forget those who suffer from war and violence. During a live broadcast from the …
At Mass, pope offers special prayers for prisoners
IMAGE: CNS photo/Vatican Media By Cindy Wooden VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Francis dedicated his third livestreamed morning Mass to prisoners suffering because Italian government measures to stop the spread of the coronavirus have included the suspension of visits by family and friends. "We continue to pray for the sick …
Cardinal Pell’s lawyers argue for appeal in Australia’s High Court
IMAGE: REUTERS By Michael Sainsbury SYDNEY (CNS) — Cardinal George Pell’s last chance to have his conviction for the 1996 sexual assault of two 13-year-old choirboys overturned in Australia’s High Court continued into a second day, as he applies for "leave to appeal." At the end of March 11, the …
‘Marking a milestone,’ Mexican women strike for equality, end of violence
IMAGE: CNS photo/David Agren By David Agren MEXICO CITY (CNS) — Jackie Campbell had a mural of a murdered woman painted above her home in the northern Mexican city of Saltillo, where she works as spokeswoman for the Catholic diocese and is known as a human rights activist. Over the …
Vincentians play key role in U.N. commission’s focus on world’s homeless
IMAGE: CNS photo/Jeff Carrion, courtesy DePaul University By Dennis Sadowski WASHINGTON (CNS) — After nearly 75 years, the United Nations has taken a significant step to address global homelessness. The U.N. Commission for Social Development, at its annual meeting in February, adopted a resolution that calls for world governments to …
Update: Vatican closes St. Peter’s Square, Basilica to tourists through April 3
IMAGE: CNS photo/Paul Haring By Carol Glatz VATICAN CITY (CNS) — In cooperation with Italian emergency measures, the Vatican has closed St. Peter’s Square and Basilica to tourists starting March 10 through April 3. The new measure, announced March 10, was the latest move by the Vatican to help stop …
Pope asks prison community to compose Via Crucis meditations
IMAGE: CNS photo/Alessandro Bianchi, Reuters By Junno Arocho Esteves VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Francis has asked the prisoners, guards and the chaplain of a northern Italian prison to write this year’s Way of the Cross meditations. In a letter published in the Italian newspaper Il Mattino di Padova March …
Pope urges priests to tend to sick, health care workers during epidemic
IMAGE: CNS photo/Paul Haring By Carol Glatz VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Francis prayed that priests would find the courage to visit those who are sick and offer accompaniment to health care professionals and volunteers working during the coronavirus epidemic. During a live broadcast of his daily morning Mass, Pope …