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by Hannah Brockhaus Vatican City, Apr 15, 2020 / 07:25 am (CNA).- Pope Francis Wednesday accepted the resignation of Bishop Arthur J. Serratelli, appointing Brooklyn pastor Fr. Kevin J. Sweeney to be his successor as head of the Diocese of Paterson, New Jersey. Serratelli has been bishop of Paterson since …

Notre-Dame de Paris shortly after a fire damaged parts of the roof and structure. Credit: UlyssePixel/Shutterstock
by Courtney Mares Paris, France, Apr 14, 2020 / 11:01 pm (CNA).- For Fr. Pierre Amar, Notre-Dame de Paris has always been a masterpiece, “the very example of supreme beauty,” but now the Marian cathedral is also “a great burnt victim.” One year after the fire destroyed much of the …

Washington D.C., Apr 14, 2020 / 11:10 am (CNA).- The Justice Department (DOJ) has promised to act on any abuses of religious freedom after some state and local governments sought to enforce tough restrictions on Easter services during the coronavirus pandemic. On Saturday, DOJ spokeswoman Kerri Kupec tweeted that Attorney …

A crucifix outside a Tennessee church after storms over Easter, 2020. Credit: Office of Rep. Chuck Fleischmann
by Christine Rousselle Washington D.C., Apr 14, 2020 / 09:31 am (CNA).- The bishops of the United States have offered their prayers in solidarity with the victims of extreme weather over the Easter weekend. At least 30 people were killed due to severe weather across the southern U.S. April 12 …

Vatican City, Apr 12, 2020 / 06:15 pm (CNA).- In an Easter letter to members of popular movements and organizations, Pope Francis suggested that the coronavirus crisis may be an occasion to consider a universal basic wage. “I know that you have been excluded from the benefits of globalization,” he …

Resurrection of the Flesh, fresco by Luca Signorelli in the San Brizio chapel of Orvieto Cathedral (1499-1502)
by Mary Farrow Denver, Colo., Apr 12, 2020 / 01:01 pm (CNA).- Every time Christians recite the Apostles’ Creed, they affirm their belief in what will happen to them after death: “’I believe in the resurrection of the body and life everlasting.” The belief in the resurrection of one’s physical …

CNA Staff, Apr 11, 2020 / 01:50 pm (CNA).- Famed Italian opera singer Andrea Bocelli will livestream on Easter Sunday a solo concert from the Santa Maria Nascente Cathedral in Milan. The performer says he aims to send a message of hope, love, and healing to the world amid the global coronavirus …

Vatican City, Apr 12, 2020 / 05:40 am (CNA).- Here is the full text of Pope Francis’ Urbi et Orbi message, delivered April 12 at the Basilica of St. Peter. Dear brothers and sisters, Happy Easter! Today the Church’s proclamation echoes throughout the world: “Jesus Christ is risen!” – “He …

ope Francis with the Shroud of Turin in the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist, Turin on June 21, 2015. Credit: Vatican Media
Vatican City, Apr 11, 2020 / 04:00 am (CNA).- Pope Francis has praised the decision to livestream the exposition of the Turin Shroud on Holy Saturday amid the coronavirus pandemic. The Archdiocese of Turin has invited Catholics around the world to pray virtually before the Shroud at 5pm local time …

Crowds pray the Stations of the Cross at the Colosseum with Pope Francis on Good Friday 2019. Credit: Daniel Ibanez/CNA.
by Hannah Brockhaus Rome, Italy, Apr 11, 2020 / 09:00 am (CNA).- Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the 2020 Easter Triduum is looking very different for Catholics around the world, who will be praying from home and attending liturgies only through their TV or computer screens. The situation is no …