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National & World News

by Matt Hadro Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Aug 17, 2020 / 03:30 pm MT (CNA).- As the Democratic National Convention kicked off on Monday, pro-life Democrats urged their party to adopt a “whole-life” approach that supports people of all ages and races. Democrats cannot commit to fighting racism while promoting abortion …

CNA Staff, Aug 17, 2020 / 04:00 pm MT (CNA).- A new Pew Research poll shows white and Hispanic Catholics split over who they will vote for in the 2020 presidential elections. According to a survey of 11,001 American adults conducted in July and August, released August 13, Pew found …

Vatican City, Aug 17, 2020 / 08:30 am MT (CNA).- Pope Francis invited participants in an annual Catholic festival Monday to join him “in witnessing to the experience of the beauty of God.” In a message on behalf of the pope for this year’s Meeting for Friendship among Peoples in …

CNA Staff, Aug 17, 2020 / 12:00 pm MT (CNA).- Two prominent Catholics will offer prayers at the Democratic National Convention later this week. Fr. James Martin, S.J., and Sister Simone Campbell, SSS will both offer prayers during the Democratic National Convention, it was announced on Sunday. Martin, along with …

by Jonah McKeown Denver Newsroom, Aug 14, 2020 / 04:14 pm MT (CNA).- Governor Pete Ricketts of Nebraska is set to sign a ban on dilation and evacuation abortions into law at a ceremony on Saturday, after the bill passed the state legislature on Thursday. The Nebraska Catholic Conference, one …

Washington D.C., Aug 14, 2020 / 03:49 pm MT (CNA).- More than 100 Democratic politicians have sent a letter to the party’s Platform Committee, calling for changes in the platform to accept pro-life Democrats and assure them that their view will be respected. “In the U.S., pro-life Democrats have been …

by Christine Rousselle Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Aug 14, 2020 / 02:05 pm MT (CNA).- Over a quarter of young adults aged 18-24 have seriously contemplated suicide over the last month, a new Centers for Disease Control survey has found. The report, titled “Mental Health, Substance Use, and Suicidal Ideation During …

by Christine Rousselle Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Aug 14, 2020 / 09:05 am MT (CNA).- The Diocese of Arlington is launching a new virtual school for families who want a Catholic education but are worried about sending their children back to in-person classes this September as the country still comes to …

by Jonah McKeown Denver Newsroom, Aug 14, 2020 / 04:00 am MT (CNA).- Last Tuesday, Julie Tegho and her husband Hicham Bou Nassif were enjoying an ordinary day at their local mall in Beirut, Lebanon. Without warning, they felt what seemed like an earthquake, followed by a mighty blast that …

CNA Staff, Aug 13, 2020 / 04:09 pm MT (CNA).- A United States senator has asked the nation’s attorney general to intensify efforts to fight the vandalism that has been carried out against Catholic places and statues throughout the country in recent months. “The trend of desecrating Catholic spaces and …