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Franciscan Brother Casey Cole will lead a two-night parish mission about where God is calling you. He will preach all weekend Masses, then present two talks on Monday and Tuesday evening.: Monday, 7pm: “We Are All Called” Tuesday, 7pm: “What Happens After Saying Yes to God” Click here for a …

Goodbye Mass ends in tears, laughter; new school to open in fall This story first appeared in our July, 2018 print edition By Eileen Connelly, OSU Hundreds of members of the McAuley High School community, including alumnae, students, parents, faculty, and friends came together May 27 for a final Mass …

Thousands suffer during extreme heat in the Greater Cincinnati area as they don’t have air conditioning or even fans. On Wednesday, July 11, at 1:00 p.m. at the St. Vincent DePaul  Liz Carter Outreach Center in the West  End, they will be giving away between 150-200 free fans to help people stay …

The Catholic parishes of St. Nicholas, Osgood and St. Louis, North Star will be operating a produce stand for the benefit of the poor. The stand will be located on the corner of St. Rt. 705 and U.S. Rt. 127, North Star, Ohio. St. Maria’s Community Farm welcomes gardeners to …

Are you missing your biggest, best opportunity to share Christ’s love? This story first appeared in our July, 2018 print edition By Gail Finke Festival season is in full swing in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, where church festivals raise much-needed funds and provide fun for Catholics and non-Catholics alike. But …

Maria Stein Shrine (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
MARIA STEIN, Ohio (June 18, 2018) – The Maria Stein Shrine of the Holy Relics is pleased to announce that it has acquired new relics that will be placed in the Shrine’s Relic Chapel during a formal ceremony in November. A relic is something that is left over from the …

Affirming life and love at area’s largest pro-life event By Gail Finke Despite dire threats of thunderstorms, the 13th annual Cross the Bridge for Life celebration took place June 3 under a cloudless, azure sky. As always, not a drop of rain fell.      “A lady called me to …

Priest who built campus ministry moves to parish life; who’s next for WSU This story first appeared in our July, 2018 print edition By Walt Schaefer Father Ed Burns, who has served as Director of Catholic Campus Ministry at Wright State University for the past dozen years, hopped in his car …

A shorter version of this story appeared in our July, 2018 print edition. Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr ordained Fathers Craig Best, Jarred Kohn, Andrew Smith and Jacob Willig to the priesthood May 19 during a joyous Mass at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains. Concelebrating were Bishop Joseph R. …

Dear Friends in Christ, At times throughout our nation’s history, certain events take place that animate the public and force us to ask who we are as an American people. As a community of believers in Christ Jesus, who commanded us to build His Kingdom of love on Earth as …