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At retirement, a priest looks back
Father Thomas Snodgrass reflects on 42 years of service “Don’t call me in July,” Father Thomas Snodgrass said, sitting in his 8th floor office at the central archdiocesan offices in downtown Cincinnati. “I plan to be sitting poolside for a month just relaxing.” Forty-two years after his ordination to the …
Share in history as the archdiocese’s first Catholics saw it, only online.
All issues of The Catholic Telegraph from 1831-1885 can now be read online. Funded by grants from the State Library of Ohio and the Hamilton County Genealogical Society, the Catholic Research Resources Alliance has been working with the archdiocese’s archives to digitize, index, and post the issues. Now available to read at TheCatholicNewsArchive at …
Homemade Spaghetti and Meatballs to Help the Elderly Poor
Cincinnati, Ohio – June is the time for Spaghetti at the Little Sisters of the Poor, St. Paul’s Home for the Aged. This will be the eighth year the Sisters and staff provide a great home cooked plate of spaghetti and meatballs to the public to raise funds to continue …
Annual St. Anthony novena concludes with special services June 13
On June 13, the annual nine-week novena at the National Shrine of St. Anthony of Padua on Colerain Avenue will close with a standing-room-only chapel of pilgrims there to celebrate the saint’s feast day. “On the actual feast day, things get crazy,” said Toni Cashnelli, spokeswoman for shrine and Franciscan …
Recent development in the Maribel Trujillo-Diaz case
Last year, Maribel Trujillo-Diaz was deported after several rounds in court proceedings. Maribel, a wife, a mother of four was an active member of St. Julie Billiart Parish in Hamilton. Following the Sixth Circuit’s decision earlier this year that the Board of Immigration Appeals “abused its discretion” in not reviewing …
Fans Are Being Distributed to Cincinnati Neighbors in Need on Wednesday, June 13, at Liz Carter Outreach Center, 1125 Bank Street, in the West End CINCINNATI, June 7, 2018 – Deborah’s 9-month-old grandson was sweating and wheezing. The oppressive heat and humidity of Cincinnati’s summer weather was making the boy’s …
Totus Tuus, a summer Catholic Youth Program, is around the corner!
Totus Tuus (Totally Yours) is a summer Catholic youth program dedicated to sharing the Gospel and promoting the Catholic Faith through evangelization, catechesis, Christian witness and Eucharistic worship. Our week-long Parish Summer Catechetical Program assists parents and parishes in the evangelizing and catechizing of their youth by supplementing the work they …
Cross the Bridge for Life 2018
Thousands of people from both sides of the Ohio River gathered at the Newport Festival Park Sunday for the 13th annual Cross the Bridge for Life. Both Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr (Cincinnati) and Bishop Roger Foys (Covington) made the walk across the “Purple People Bridge” and back, and offered their …
Latest Priests’ Assignments
The Priests’ Personnel Office announces the following new assignments: BEGINNING JULY 1, 2018 Reverend Frankline Fernando Rayappa, C.PP.S., assigned as Pastor of St. Joseph, Egypt and St. Augustine, Minister Reverend Leo Huyen Dinh Vu, CRM, assigned as Chaplain/Moderator of the Catholic Vietnamese Community of Dayton and to hospital ministry Reverend …
Serra Club membership skyrockets
More than a dozen people were inducted into the Serra Club of Cincinnati at a ceremony May 22, “by far the largest number in many years, probably since the 70s,” said President Wayne Topp. Serra International is a lay apostolate that promotes vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life. Members …