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CINCINNATI – The Board of Directors for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul approved the addition of three new members, effective Oct. 1, 2018, the start of the organization’s fiscal year. Joining the Board are: • Elaine Suess, President of Beyondbeing Executive Coaching. Elaine founded Beyondbeing in 2006 after …

Deadline for fall classes at The Athenaeum of Ohio is August 21. Whether you are interested in earning a master’s degree or taking classes for spiritual enrichment, the Athenaeum is here to help you. We offer degree and non-degree programs, and day, evening, and weekend classes. Classes for the fall …

Reverend Deepak Oswald D’Souza of the Diocese of Allahabad in India, appointed Parochial Vicar of St. Peter Parish, Huber Heights, and Our Lady of the Rosary Parish, Holy Cross Parish, and St. Adalbert Parish, Dayton, effective June 30, 2018. Reverend Matthew Keller, C.PP.S., appointed Parochial Vicar of Emmanuel Parish, St. …

By Gail Finke As a scorching summer burns to a close, thoughts turn from camps and concerts to school, fall sports, and programs organized around the academic year.      Summer youth programs at parishes, schools, and organizations – many that have long histories, others new and fast-growing – have … released their rankings for Best Catholic High Schools in Ohio. Here’s how they have ranked our Archdiocese of Cincinnati High Schools. 1. Summit Country Day, Cincinnati 2. St. Xavier High School, Cincinnati 4. Ursuline Academy, Cincinnati 14. St. Ursula Academy, Cincinnati 16. Archbishop Alter High School, Kettering 21. Archbishop …

By Walt Schaefer An oil painting on the wall of Ahmad Darouich’s Bond Hill home depicts a police officer, arm outstretched, one hand up, telling the viewer to stop.      It has a deeper meaning to Darouich, who came to the United States from Aleppo, Syria, 11 months ago. …

UD's Immaculate Conception Chapel at sunset for Christmas at UD. (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
DAYTON, Ohio — The Marianist Province of the United States is making a $1.5 million gift to elevate the present Father William J. Ferree Professor of Social Justice to an endowed chair and place an enduring stamp of Catholic Social Thought and Marianist character on the academic life of the …

By Patricia McGeever Exploring the rainforest and seeing the Panama Canal may not be things you’d expect to do on a pilgrimage, but they’re part of World Youth Day 2019 in Panama City. Emily Conklin jumped at the chance to sign up.      “I’ve always wanted to go,” said …

Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr (CT Photo/Jeff Unroe)
Dear Friends in Christ, I invite you to join me and Catholics nationwide in a weekly moment of prayer from early August to late September for the legal protection of human life. As soon as Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement, pro-abortion groups began lobbying the U.S. Senate …

By Walt Schaefer In long-established parishes, family trees point to lasting loyalty. At the same time, these maps of generations can also hint at a healthy future.      So it is at St. James the Greater in White Oak, which traces its roots to the German families who founded …