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Men from Elder pray the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary. The Rosary was led by Fr. Anthony Brausch, Rector of Mt. St. Mary's Seminary (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
By Eileen Connelly, OSU Administrators, faculty, and students at two area high schools are moving forward and using the racial slurs shouted during a February basketball game as a teachable moment. The incident involved students from Elder High School’s cheering section taunting St. Xavier athletes.       In addition to …

Couples marking their golden wedding anniversaries in 2018 celebrated in August with Masses in Cincinnati and Dayton. Cincinnati’s couples renewed their vows at Mass at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains.

By Steve Trosley David Kissell always has a smile on his face, but none so big as the one he displayed recently when the “One Faith, One Hope, One Love” effort registered $100 million in pledge payments having been paid to the campaign.    Kissell, director of the archdiocesan Stewardship …

By Gail Finke While our summer Mary Garden photo contest showed you scores of home gardens dedicated to the Blessed Mother, one reader’s more ambitious project deserves special notice. Matthew Smeal, a member of Evendale Boy Scout Troop 598, created a Rosary Garden for St. Nicholas Academy and Our Lady …

Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion role explained; more By Gail Finke The need to reprint a decades-old handbook for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHCs) gave the archdiocese’s Office of Divine Worship and Sacraments the chance to clarify a few issues that have arisen in the 30 years since its …

El Martes de esta semana, un Gran Jurado de Pensilvania publicó un informe que detalla los nombres de 301 sacerdotes que abusaron sexualmente a más de 1,000 menores durante un período de 70 años en ese estado. Este informe, junto con las recientes revelaciones sobre el ex cardenal Theodore McCarrick, …

Chaminade-Julienne Catholic High School received an “A” grade in’s recent rankings of best private schools. CJ Principal John Marshall ’86 said of the rankings, “These numbers are affirming, as we look at the overall success of our students during their time at CJ and beyond. One of the areas …

A first look at Our Lady of Peace Chapel By Gail Finke A tiny new chapel on Xavier University’s campus opened only days ago, but that’s in its present life. Before being moved to a spot at the end of XU’s academic mall, it was the site of decades of …

Cincinnati, OH: August 2018 – After 6 months of national and local searching and after interviewing several candidates, the search committee and the Board of St. Rita School for the Deaf, made their recommendation to Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr. The Archbishop interviewed and has appointed Angela Frith as the President …

On Tuesday of this week, a Pennsylvania Grand Jury released a report detailing the names of 301 priests who sexually abused over 1,000 minors over a 70-year period in that state. This report, coupled with the recent revelations regarding the former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, shocks, saddens, and angers Catholics everywhere, …