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Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct 27, 2018 / 12:05 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Multiple people were killed and many others injured at a Pittsburgh synagogue Saturday morning, with the gunman allegedly shouting that he wanted all Jews to die. In response, Bishop David Zubik of Pittsburgh strongly denounced anti-Jewish bigotry and called for …

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The yearly Warriors to Lourdes Pilgrimage for Non-Wounded, Wounded, Ill or Injured Military Personnel during the 61st Annual International Military Pilgrimage (PMI) will take place May 14-21, 2019. The pilgrimage, sponsored by the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA, and the Knights of Columbus, is the latest event in a …

There are four productions in the Greater Cincinnati Area. Each venue will have limited seating [maximum]. General Admission – Free to the Public. There are no tickets being sold for these events. For additional information contact Deacon Royce Winters, [email protected] or 513.421.3131 Ext. 2640. THE PRODUCTION DATES: Saturday, November 3, …

A religious community devoted to caring for the most needy elderly has much reason to celebrate.This Saturday October 20th, the Little Sisters of the Poor will mark the 150th anniversary of the community’s arrival in the United States. St. Paul’s Home for Aged in Clifton is the second home founded …

Curious about what was on the minds of Cincinnati Catholics June 8, 1831? You can read an ode to spring by Barry Cornwall. And if you are curious about what a man named O’Quinn was doing running for Mayor of Pau, France, in 1861, just turn to page 6 of …

St. Mary Hyde Park will host a 4-part series on Cincinnati’s Catholic History. Fr. David Endres, Dean of the Athenaeum and Professor of Church History and columnist for The Catholic Telegraph, will explore the history of our archdiocese as we approach the bicentennial. Fr. Endres’ multimedia presentations will explain how …

Organization Kicks Off Annual Coat Drive on Monday, October 15, Aims to Provide 3,000 Coats This Year to Those in the Region in Need CINCINNATI – October 11, 2018 – The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is kicking off its 17th annual coat drive on Monday, Oct. 15, at …

When the canonization ceremony for Blessed Oscar Romero, Archbishop of San Salvador, is held in Rome on Oct. 14, Catholics in the archdiocese will be among those celebrating. Archbishop Romero, an outspoken advocate for the poor, was shot and killed March 24, 1980, as he celebrated Mass in a hospital …

By Sharon Semanie If it takes a village to raise a child, 15 parishes within the Greater Miami Valley are paying it forward and making a difference in the lives of the young. They represent membership in the Christ Child Society (CCS) of Dayton, a vibrant organization dedicated to serving …