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The story below is Part II of two powerful personal interviews. On the other side of the courtroom, Bill Pelke stands with those who have lost loved ones to violent crime. Bill’s grandmother, Nana, was attacked by a group of teenage girls who skipped school one afternoon, looking for money …

Effective July 1, 2019 Father Peter Langenkamp to graduate studies in Rome, Italy. Father Thomas Wray, to weekend and holyday assistance at All Saints, Cincinnati, and St. Vincent Ferrer, Kenwood, while continuing as part-time priest chaplain at Bethesda North Hospital. Father J. Rob Jack, to weekend and holyday assistance at …

IMAGE: NS photo/Bernadett Szabo, Reuters By Elizabeth Bachmann WASHINGTON (CNS) — Rose Lavelle skyrocketed from a star player, loping across the soccer fields at her Catholic girls high school in Cincinnati, to a superstar, scoring three goals for the U.S. women’s team at the World Cup and winning the Bronze …

Historic Constitution Avenue and the Monuments in Washington, D.C. was the setting for America’s biggest and best Independence Day Parade. Nowhere is there greater excitement on America’s birthday than in our nation’s capital! This year, The Pride of La Salle Marching Band participated on the nation’s 243rd birthday. Performing throughout …

By Eileen Connelly, OSU Weeks after the May 27 tornadoes that tore through Dayton and areas north of the city, recovery efforts remain in full force with local faith-based organizations taking a leading role. “This is where Catholic social service agencies such as Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley …

A produce stand for the benefit of the poor is being operated by the Catholic parishes of St. Nicholas, Osgood and St. Louis, North Star, Ohio. Located on the corner of St. Rt. 705 and U.S. Route 127, North Star, Ohio, St. Maria’s Community Farm welcomes gardeners to donate fruits …

St. Vincent de Paul volunteer Steve Taylor places bags of donated food into a collection bin outside of Great American Ballpark on Friday, May 31. SVdP collected food from patrons of the Reds games on Friday and Saturday, May 31 and June 1, during their “Strike Out Hunger" campaign. Game patrons who donated three or more non-perishable foods were awarded tickets to a future Reds game. Last year’s drive collected over three tons of food, which fed approximately 5,300 families. (CT photo/David A. Moodie)
St.  Vincent de Paul (SVdP) food pantries are now able to provide 5,000 additional meals this summer to struggling families. The Cincinnati Reds and St. Vincent de Paul’s annual “Strike Out Hunger” food drive on Friday, May 31, and Saturday, June 1, brought in 6,250 pounds—more than three tons—of non-perishable …

Story by Lisa Biedenbach • Photos by E.L. Hubbard How to marry the tradition of an established church in downtown Harrison with a new worship space to be built on nearby farmland was a daunting challenge,” said Father Jeff Kemper, pastor of  St. John the Baptist Church, who took part in …

Are you interested in singing the great works of the Church in a beautiful space? Consider joining the Athenaeum Chorale, a liturgical choral group that sings in the Seminary Chapel of St. Gregory the Great at the Athenaeum of Ohio. The Chorale season includes two Solemn Vespers liturgies, a beloved …

Players to compete in Orlando, Florida, June 21 – 23, 2019 Cincinnati, Ohio – The Roger Bacon High School Underwater Hockey Team will compete in the USA Underwater Hockey 2019 U.S. National Championships to be hosted by the Orlando Underwater Hockey Club at the Rosen YMCA Aquatic and Family Center …