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On Saturday, June 15th, 2019, Father’s Day Weekend, from 8:15am to 2:15pm The Cincinnati Catholic Men’s Conference will be held at St. Maximillian Kolbe Parish. This year’s conference theme is “Being a Family Man.” Doors open at 8:15am. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit The featured speakers …

Gate of Heaven Cemetery Field Mass 11000 Montgomery Rd., Cincinnati OH 45249 (513) 489-0300. Mass will be celebrated on Monday, May 27 beginning at 11:00 a.m.. Celebrant, Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr. Please bring lawn chairs. In case of rain, the Mass will be celebrated at Good Shepherd Church, same day …

We applaud the Holy Father, Pope Francis, for the new document, given motu proprio, i.e. on the pope’s own initiative, titled “Vos estis lux mundi” (“You are the light of the world”). The decree establishes new universal Church law for the crimes pertaining to sexual abuse within the Catholic Church. …

What does the new Motu Proprio do? The new Motu Proprio Vos estis lux mundi is a significant move forward for the universal Church, one that echoes many of the practices established in the U.S. Bishops’ Essential Norms and the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People that …

May 9, 2019 WASHINGTON—Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo, Archbishop of Galveston-Houston and President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, has issued the following statement regarding the release of Pope Francis’s Motu Proprio earlier today. The Motu Proprio, Vos estis lux mundi (“You are the light of the world”), is …

Maria Stein Shrine (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
In light of the recent flooding and poor farming conditions, we will be holding a special prayer service to venerate the relics of St. Isidore (Patron Saint of Farmers) and St. Gregory Thaumaturgus (Miracle Worker and Patron Saint of Flooding). So many businesses, homes and farms have been affected. We …

“And you are all brothers” (Matthew 23:8). The third annual Religious Brothers Day, on May 1, the feast of St. Joseph the Worker, recognize the gift that the vocation is to the Church and the faith and dedication of the men called to this life. “The Catholic Telegraph” spoke with …

The St. Vincent de Paul Society celebrated its 150th anniversary on March 26. When the doors opened as they always do at 8 a.m., and society neighbors began to come in for assistance, the lobby of the Liz Carter Outreach Center was decorated with balloons, and they were asked to …

It was the boys turn to sing! (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
TOTUS TUUS (Latin for Totally Yours) is a fun and energetic parish based summer catechetical program for both grade school age children and middle and high school youth. TOTUS TUUS gathers together college students and seminarians from across the United States onto teaching teams of four in order to train …

THE PRIESTS’ PERSONNEL OFFICE ANNOUNCES THE FOLLOWING NEW ASSIGNMENTS: EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 4, 2019 Reverend Thomas Wray, as part-time Priest Chaplain at Bethesda North Hospital. EFFECTIVE APRIL 1, 2019 Reverend Philip Seher, as Parochial Administrator of St. Simon Parish, Cincinnati, through June 30, 2019; Reverend James Meade, as Parochial Administrator of …