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Local News
The Athenaeum of Ohio Expands Campus with $12 Million Building Project

The Athenaeum of Ohio/Mount St. Mary’s Seminary of the West is expanding its campus in Mount Washington. On Sunday, October 13, 2019, at 2 p.m., Archbishop of Cincinnati Dennis M. Schnurr will dedicate and bless Fenwick Hall. This $12 million building project has been under construction for two years, it’s …
Fall Theology on Tap in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati

FALL THEOLOGY ON TAP CLIFTON You’re invited to this Fall’s Theology on Tap. We are in some troubled times — the Church abuse crisis, the separation of families at the border and raids on immigrants, mass shootings, and a host of other things. With all of this going on, …

Two Sisters of Charity instrumental in the founding of DePaul Cristo Rey High School have been recognized with the school’s Founders Leadership Award. Sister Barbara Hagedorn, SC, and Sister Catherine Kirby, SC, were honored during DPCR’s annual Founders Day Mass on September 27. The Founders Leadership Award honors a person …
Men’s Annual Downtown Eucharistic Procession

A Q&A with David Willig – Coordinator for the Downtown Procession To conduct a Eucharistic Procession, a consecrated host in a monstrance is lifted and carried by a priest, who leads the faithful in a public procession. It is a public witness of the Catholic faith that begins and ends …
Chatfield College President Announces Retirement

By Brianna Houchens John P. Tafaro, president of Chatfield College, has announced his retirement after more than 10 years in the position. “It has been a great honor and privilege to serve as Chatfield’s fifth president” he explained. “We have a wonderful board, faculty and staff, and it has been …
The Friendly Sons of St. Patrick Celebrate Cincinnati’s Celtic Heritage

By Rebecca Sontag When the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick Foundation decided to resurrect the on-again, off-again Cincinnati Celtic Festival, retired Army Colonel Dan Shea said to his fellow members, “There’s a couple things we have to do. We need to have a grand opening ceremony, and we have to …
Pope Francis’ Prayer Intentions for October

Pope Francis’ Prayer Intentions for 2019 Entrusted to the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer) OCTOBER A Missionary “Spring” in the Church That the breath of the Holy Spirit engender a new missionary “spring” in the Church.
Catholic in Recovery Traveling the Road to Healing and Salvation

By Rebecca Sontag For Us Men and Our Salvation Rock bottom” sometimes comes halfway up a towering mountain under a wide-open blue sky in Wyoming. That’s where Jill Bischoff was when she pulled her car over to the side of the road that late-Friday afternoon in 1996. She had heard …
Meet Father Earl Fernandes, new Pastor of St. Ignatius Loyola Parish

Father Earl Fernandes has been named Pastor of St. Ignatius Loyola in Monfort Heights. He has been a member of the Staff of the Apostolic Nunciature in Washington, D.C. for the past three and a half years. Prior to that, from 2008-2016, he was the Dean of the Athenaeum of …
Application and Evaluation Precedes Seminary Acceptance

By John Stegeman Becoming a diocesan priest is a calling that must be discerned by both the individual and a diocese If a student is accepted into seminary, he will have five to nine years of formation before priestly ordination. Even before that, however, an intensive process takes place designed …