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Congratulations to Seton High School junior Grace Villing who received a PERFECT SCORE of 36 on the ACT! Less than 0.2 percent of students throughout the United States achieve this score each year. Grace attends Seton High School on an Honors Program scholarship and takes a challenging course load of …

The Catholic Conference of Ohio, chaired by Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, has released a statement extending the temporary suspension of all publicly celebrated Masses and liturgies through May 29. The Catholic Telegraph has a complete list of live-streaming Masses in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati on …

The Reverend Mr. Michael Kapolka and the Rev. Mr. Edward Hoffmann reach next-to-last step in formational journey toward priestly ordination CINCINNATI, OH – Two prospective Catholic U.S. Military chaplains were ordained transitional deacons on Saturday, April 25, 2020, in Cincinnati, OH. The Reverend Mr. Michael Kapolka, 2d Lt, USAFR, and …

Congratulations, on the ordination of 10 men to the diaconate, earlier today! Seven men were ordained transitional deacons for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati; one man was ordained as a permanent deacon for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati; and two men were ordained as transitional deacons for the Oratory of St. Philip …

As a teacher, a coach and, now, an administrator, Marcus Colvin is always ready for a challenge. “I set the goal of being a teacher long ago — and once thought that the decision would last my entire career,” Colvin said. “When I was provided the opportunity to serve as …

Christ the King parishioners meet online to pray the Rosary. The parish uses technology to provide its parishioners with alternatives to traditional worship.
Religious denominations across the United States were faced with an unexpected challenge this spring: how to provide alternatives to traditional worship in view of the COVID-19 shutdown. At Christ the King Parish, staff turned to technology to bridge the gap between church services–such as Easter Mass and the praying of …

There is absolutely no reason why a vaccine for COVID-19 should be connected to abortion. But that is exactly what may happen in the coming months. Among the dozens of vaccines currently in development, some are being produced using old cell lines that were created from the cells of aborted …

Good Times: Nearly 120 ladies attended the recent DCWC St. Patrick’s Day Card/Game Party and Luncheon, held at the Presidential Banquet Center in Kettering. DCWC Board Member and St. Pat Party Chair, Julianne McCain, was delighted with the turnout for the annual event, which was declared a huge success! DCWC …

The University of Dayton is discounting summer 2020 tuition for all undergraduate courses to help students continue to make progress toward their UD degrees during a period of significant disruption to their lives and their families’ circumstances. Summer tuition will be $875 per credit hour, a 46% discount from the …

From Gate of Heaven Cemetery: Public access to Gate of Heaven Catholic Cemetery effective April, 13, 2020.  In our continuing effort to protect our employees and guests from the ongoing threat of the COVID-19 virus, and in conjunction with the current “Stay-At-Home” order in the State of Ohio, Gate of …