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Guidelines for the Resumption of  Public Worship: Guidelines for the Resumption of Public Worship Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Over the past eight weeks, the Bishops of Ohio have met on a regular basis to discuss recommendations and requirements put in place by the State of Ohio and the medical …

Sister Miriam Kaeser, principal at St. Boniface School in Northside, is one amazing woman. Yesterday, on a cold, rainy afternoon in May, Sr. Miriam spent her last day before retirement saying good-bye to her students and families. Under an umbrella, amid sad goodbyes, she warmly greeted each family as they …

  by John Stegeman Catholic News Service DAYTON, Ohio (CNS) — Although Queen of Martyrs Catholic Church in Dayton sustained significant damage from the May 27 tornadoes that swept through the southwestern region of the state, a statue of Mary on the property remained standing next to the ruined bell …

Father Mark Rutherford to assume position July 15 WASHINGTON, DC — The Reverend Mark Rutherford, J.C.L., of Williamston, MI, has been appointed Judicial Vicar of the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA (AMS). Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio, J.C.D., announced the appointment today. As Judicial Vicar, Father Rutherford will be responsible …

Effective May 1, 2020 • Father Robert Thesing, S.J., temporary Parochial Administrator, St. Francis Xavier, Cincinnati, effective May 1, 2020 through August 31, 2020. Effective July 1, 2020 • Father Craig Best, to Pastor of Holy Trinity, West Union, and St. Mary Queen of Heaven, Peebles. • Father Adam Puntel, …

Lockdown Difficult for Homeless, Center Provides Outside Handwashing and Other Services Most folks realize the importance of frequently washing their hands to help prevent the spread of disease, especially as a precaution against COVID-19. However, what happens when you don’t have access to clean water or soap? “People who are …

The newly ordained await their assignments (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
Welcome to the Ordination of Chris Komoroski, Benson Lokidiriyo and Andrew Reckers.. Live from St. Peter in Chains Cathedral, 11:00 a.m.

Deacon Chris Komoroski during the Diaconate Ordination 2019
A Q& A with Deacons Chris Komoroski, Benson Lokidiriyo and Andrew Reckers, who will be ordained to the priesthood on May 16. DEACON CHRISTOPHER KOMOROSKI Tell us a little bit about you personally. I was born in Arkansas, but moved to Cincinnati when I was 10. My home parish is …

ALL AREAS OF THE SHRINE ARE NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLICThis includes the The Pilgrim Gift Shop, Adoration Chapel, Relic Chapel, Heritage Museum, Upper Room and all outdoor spaces.There is still NO Eucharistic Adoration or Saturday morning Mass. Discussions are being had regarding these items and new information will be …

As the “Responsible Restart Ohio Plan” is implemented during the ongoing COVID19 pandemic allowing a gradual return to work and lifting of some of the restrictions regarding consumer, retail and services, returning to operation, we your bishops together with you are anxious for the safe return to the public celebration …