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July 8, 2020 WASHINGTON –The Supreme Court of the United States has issued its decision in the consolidated cases of Our Lady of Guadalupe School v. Morrissey-Berru and St. James School v. Biel. These cases involved the right of Catholic schools, free of government interference, to choose teachers who will teach and model …

Working at a grocery store, St. Xavier High School senior, Alex Van Pee ’21 has noticed that grocery prices are rising, “Even the people who didn’t need help before are starting to need help from pantries and shelters. It really can happen to anybody.” Thursday, June 12th, cars began lining …

The Catholic Telegraph won FOUR Catholic Press Awards for our work in 2019 including: • Honorable Mention: Best Non-Weekly Diocesan Newspaper For your complimentary Subscription to The Catholic Telegraph Magazine, click here. • 2nd Place: Best Regular Family Life Column- Catholic at Home with Katie Sciba For Katie’s most recent …

Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr, of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati Meets with Elder Kevin Birch of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. CINCINNATI – July 2, 2020 – Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio and The Church of Jesus Christ Latter-day Saints have teamed up to deliver 40,000 pounds of food …

by Sister Eileen Connelly, OSU A 14-year-old girl in distress recently visited Elizabeth’s New Life Center (ENLC) with her aunt and boyfriend. Olivia was visibly upset as she shared that her family was forcing her to consider an abortion and threatening to kick her out of the house if she …

by Susie Gibbons “I thank my God whenever I think of you; and every time I pray for all of you, I pray with joy, remembering how you have helped to spread the Good News from the day you first heard it up to the present.” – Philippians 1:3-6 Since …

Effective June 22, 2020 Most Rev. Joseph Binzer, Program Coordinator: Services for Senior Clergy; Director of Health and Hospital Ministries, and Hospital Chaplaincy. Reverend Father John Mark Solitario, OP, Parochial Vicar of St. Gertrude Parish, Maderia. Effective July 1, 2020 Father Eric Roush, Pastor of Nativity of Our Lord, Cincinnati, …

As of yesterday, July 1, 2020, St. Joseph Orphanage is an independent behavioral health, child welfare and educational treatment agency separate from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. St. Joseph Orphanage was founded by Bishop Edward D. Fenwick in 1829 in collaboration with four Sisters of Charity who came to Cincinnati from …

Dozens of Catholic ministries in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati have worked tirelessly to find unique ways to serve others during the recent months as the COVID-19 pandemic has gripped the world. Employees, volunteers, and clergy have remained committed to God’s call to serve others. The Stewardship Department of the Archdiocese …

(Cincinnati, OH, June 26, 2020) – Pregnancy Center West (PCW) announced today that it has provided 500 free ultrasound scans since launching this new capability in March of 2019. Pregnancy Center West provides free pregnancy tests, ultrasound scans and urine-based STD tests at its Center in Price Hill. Each year, …