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A message from Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Peace be with you this Lenten season. This has been a most unusual and difficult year for all of us. A year ago at this time, none of us envisioned the anxiety, illnesses, deaths, and other losses that were coming as a result of …

MARIA STEIN, Ohio (March 9, 2021) – At 7:00pm on Friday March 19, the Maria Stein Shine of the Holy Relics will celebrate the Solemnity of St. Joseph with a special feast day Mass. Traditionally, Catholics have honored the foster, or earthly, father of Jesus on this day. We meditate …
Hanycz Set to Lead Xavier University

Xavier University in Cincinnati has announced the hire of a new president – and with that appointment brings a series of firsts for the 190-year-old institution. Colleen Hanycz, PhD, is the university’s first lay person and first woman president, a role Hanycz is eager to embrace. “This was an opportunity …
2021 Cincinnati Men’s Conference

Experience the first Catholic men’s conference that started it! 2021 Cincinnati Men’s Conference – Saturday, March 13th, 2021 8:00 a.m. The 2021 conference is shaping up to be an INCREDIBLE one. The speakers will be in person at the venue. We are allowing a live audience up to a certain …
Sunday: Day of the Lord

I’m not old enough to remember a time when society essentially shut down on Sundays, but I’ve heard the stories! No work, no shopping, nowhere to go but church and Grandma’s house. While there are elements of our 24-7 culture I enjoy (grocery stores open late and extended customer service …
U.S. Bishop Chairmen for Doctrine and for Pro-Life Address the Use of the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 Vaccine

March 2, 2021 WASHINGTON– On March 2, Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades of Fort Wayne-South Bend, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Committee on Doctrine, and Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann of Kansas City in Kansas, chairman of the USCCB’s Committee on Pro-Life Activities, issued a statement on the …

MARIA STEIN, Ohio (February 22, 2021) – The Maria Stein Shrine Adoration Guild is happy to offer the following Lenten Season Learning Series, presented by Sister Joyce Ann Zimmerman, C.PP.S. The first session “Fasting & Lent” will be held on March 9, 2021 at 10:00am. It is a reflection on …
Ash Wednesday Guidelines 2021

Ash Wednesday 2021 Archdiocese of Cincinnati While observing the existing guidance already in place relative to worship in a time of public health concern, the blessing and distribution of ashes to the faithful on Ash Wednesday takes place in the following way (per instruction from the Holy See on Jan …
A Lenten Journey through Black History in Rural Ohio

A Lenten Journey through Black History in Rural Ohio The Catholic Rural Life Conferences and Anti-Racism Task Force of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati Social Action Office invite you to join us for a series of three presentations looking at three unique aspects of African American history in southwestern Ohio. During …
2021 Catholic Ministries Appeal

Each year parishes and parishioners across the Archdiocese of Cincinnati come together to support six areas of ministry through the Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA). You can make a difference by standing with these ministries as a “light shining in the darkness” as they teach, feed, and heal thousands in need …