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Local News
Cathedral pastor retires after many years of service
July 13, 2011 By Mike Dyer CATHEDRAL DEANERY — Father James Bramlage never expected to be pastor of the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains for 20 years, but he truly believes the experience has been the highlight of his priestly ministry.
Contributions of local Maryknoll missionaries recognized
June 28, 2011 By Mike Virgintino ARCHDIOCESE — Throughout 2011 the Maryknoll Society is celebrating its centennial as the overseas mission society of Catholic Church in the United States, along with recognizing the contributions of members from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati who have dedicated their lives to missionary service.
Couple shares son’s story to help others
June 28, 2011 By Eileen Connelly, OSU ST. ANDREW DEANERY — It takes faith and courage to turn tragedy into an opportunity to help others. Linda and Tony Cole have done just that in sharing the story of how they found the strength to make difficult decisions, preserve their family …
St. John the Baptist in Maria Stein celebrates 175th anniversary
June 28, 2011 By Eileen Connelly, OSU ST. MARYS DEANERY — As Uppie Berning walked to Mass on a recent Sunday, the morning fog lifted to reveal the tall steeple of St. John the Baptist Church in Maria Stein rising in the distance. For Berning, a member of the parish …
Everyday Evangelists: Sister of Charity ministers to the broken-hearted
June 22, 2011 By Mary Caffrey Knapke DAYTON DEANERY — For a quarter-century, Sister of Charity of Cincinnati Therese Dery has worked as a mental health therapist at Samaritan Behavioral Health in Dayton, where she strives to bring patients “to an awareness that the kingdom of heaven is happening …
Bishops approve statement on assisted suicide, charter revisions
June 22, 2011 BELLEVUE, Wash. — The U.S. bishops June 16 approved a policy statement on physician-assisted suicide, the first on the issue by the bishops as a body, and they also approved revisions to their 2002 “Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People.”
New Catholic high school dedicated in archdiocese
June 15, 2011 CATHEDRAL DEANERY — Nearly 400 supporters, community leaders, faculty, staff, students and family members took part in the dedication of DePaul Cristo Rey High (DPCR) School June 5. The dedication, blessing and ribbon-cutting ceremony marked the opening of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s first Catholic High School in …
The ordination of Bishop Joseph R. Binzer
June 14, 2011 By Eileen Connelly, OSU Click here to view photos of the event. CATHEDRAL DEANERY — During a Mass that was both reverent and joyous, Auxiliary Bishop of Cincinnati Joseph R. Binzer was ordained June 9 at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains. Appointed in April by …
Seminarians visit with McNicholas students
June 8, 2011 ST. FRANCIS DE SALES DEANERY — On May 5 four seminarians from the Athenaeum of Ohio/Mount St. Mary’s Seminary visited with students in the junior sacraments classes at McNicholas High School to discuss their vocations. First year seminarians Ethan Moore and Peter Langenkamp spoke with Paula Yerke’s …
Famed Kentucky abbey part of Trappists’ effort to promote vocations
June 8, 2011 By Marnie McAllister TRAPPIST, Ky. — Since the 1940s when acclaimed writer and contemplative Father Thomas Merton drew the world’s attention to the Trappists’ Abbey of Gethsemani in Nelson County, men have come from around the world to join in its ritual life of prayer and work.