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Local News
Area faith leaders, groups address immigration issue
August 10, 2011 By Eileen Connelly, OSU ARCHDIOCESE — Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr joined with other faith leaders within the Metropolitan Area Religious Coalition of Cincinnati (MARCC) June 23 to publicly announce their shared principles and lend a moral voice to guide Ohio’s conversation on immigration.
Program helps priests be ‘Good Leaders, Good Shepherds’
August 10, 2011 By Eileen Connelly, OSU ARCHDIOCESE — Amid the challenges of a diminishing number of clergy and the complexities of priestly ministry today, the Good Leaders, Good Shepherds program is helping priests to strengthen their leadership skills and day-to-day ministry as they lead members of their parish communities …
Efforts to care for God’s creation continue in archdiocese
August 1, 2011 By Mike Dyer ARCHDIOCESE — Caring for creation continues to remain a focus of the ministry of the archdiocesan Catholic Social Action Office, and the archdiocesan Climate Change Task Force has been educating area Catholics about a variety of related issues.
Experiences in Haiti shape author’s faith
July 28, 2011 By Kathy Schwartz ARCHDIOCESE — Mark Curnutte, a Cincinnati Enquirer writer who has pored over thousands of statistics in his career, has to pause after sharing this: Globally, 25,000 people a day die of hunger.
Ascension parishioner leads Dayton-area Sudanese community
July 28, 2011 By Mary Caffrey Knapke DAYTON DEANERY — South Sudan became the world’s newest country on July 9, an event marked with joyful celebrations by a generation that has been plagued by decades of civil war in that region. Even with hope on the horizon, recent fighting in …
Youth adult and youth ministry focus of dialogue session
July 28, 2011 By Mike Dyer ARCHDIOCESE —The views and experiences from and about Catholic young adults were varied throughout the room, but the discussion provided a great deal of reflection during a one-time dialogue session June 28 regarding the future of young adult and youth ministry in the Archdiocese …
Ultimate Frisbee Tour a win-win situation for all
July 28, 2011 By Mike Dyer ARCHDICOESE — The seminarian Ultimate Frisbee Tour this summer has been a win-win situation for everyone involved.
Sacred Heart Radio celebrates 10th anniversary
July 18, 2011 By Melanie Crowe ST. FRANCIS DE SALES DEANERY — Sacred Heart Radio celebrated its 10th anniversary with a conference at Guardian Angels Parish in Mt. Washington on July 2. The anniversary celebration began with a Mass for the feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus July …
CMA Masses of Thanksgiving scheduled
July 18, 2011 ARCHDIOCESE — Three special Masses have been scheduled to thank area Catholics for their generous support of the 2011 Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA). The Masses will be celebrated by Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr and include thousands of written prayer intentions from CMA donors.
Corpus Christi parish remembers a century of history
July 13, 2011 By Mary Caffrey Knapke DAYTON DEANERY — Within the first few years of the 20th century, Catholics in Dayton’s burgeoning northwest neighborhoods were organizing in support of a new parish, and in 1909, Archbishop Henry Moeller granted their request. After two years of hard work and dedication …