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Local News
Pavilion honors parishioner who ‘never met a stranger’
April 4, 2012 By Patricia McGeever SHANDON — When members of St. Aloysius in Shandon dedicate a new pavilion built behind the church next month, they will add a thoroughly modern gathering space to hold future events while remembering a man who was such a part of their past.
Good Friday tradition of praying steps continues
For the 2016 story on the steps, click here April 3, 2012 On April 6, thousands of Cincinnati area residents of all faiths will visit Holy Cross-Immaculata (HCI) parish in Mt. Adams for the annual Good Friday Praying of the Steps.
Dayton couple recognized for pro-life ministry
April 3, 2012 By Patricia McGeever DAYTON — A Catholic couple who have made pro-life causes their life’s work have been recognized with a prestigious award for their efforts.
Catholic schools to gather for Unity Mass
April 2, 2012 DAYTON — For the first time, every Catholic school student from Middletown to Celina and Springfield to Greenville is invited join together as significant members of an important “whole” at the Catholic Schools Unity Mass on April 25 at 10 a.m. at UD Arena.
Archdiocese marks start of Holy Week

April 2, 2012 The Archdiocese of Cincinnati joins Christians throughout the world in celebrating Holy Week, the most sacred time of the church year, beginning with Passion Sunday (Palm Sunday) on April 1.
Property purchase paves way for church relocation
April 2, 2012 FRANKLIN —St. Mary Catholic Church in Franklin recently finalized the purchase of 17 acres of land on Yankee Road at Springs Blvd. in Springboro.
Include Me ministry helps families worship together
April 1, 2012 By Patricia McGeever LIBERTY TOWNSHIP — When Gail and Jon Batross and their three sons attend the noon Mass at St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish, they don’t sit in the sanctuary.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
March 29, 2012 In an era when many parishes report dwindling numbers at Mass and in participation in the life of the church, the stories of those who choose to join the church and pursue an active faith life can inspire and renew “cradle Catholics.” As Easter Vigil approaches, we …
Archbishop Schnurr meets with young religious
March 29, 2012 What drew you to religious life? What are your hopes? What are the challenges that face religious life today? What role do you see those in religious life and your and congregation having in the New Evangelization and the Year of Faith?
New name of St. Anthony Messenger Press reflects broader role, says CEO
March 27, 2012 By Carol Zimmermann, Catholic News Service A lot has changed since the Franciscan friars of Cincinnati published the first issue of St. Anthony Messenger, a monthly publication for secular Franciscans, in 1893.