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Archdiocesan director African-American Ministry reports from National Black Catholic Congress

July 20, 2012 The Rev. Mr. Royce Winters, Director of the African-American Ministry of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, is attending the National Black Catholic Congress in Indianapolis with 48 members of the archdiocese. This is a report he sent to the Catholic Telegraph on the Congress.
UD to offer accelerated healthcare training programs beginning this fall
July 18, 2012 DAYTON, Ohio — As demand for skilled healthcare workers increases, the University of Dayton is launching accelerated healthcare training programs for dental assistants, clinical medical assistants and pharmacy technicians.
Carmelite Sister who began St. Margaret Hall decreed venerable
July 13, 2012 Mother Angeline Teresa, O.Carm. opened St. Margaret Hall on Madison Road in 1962 to provide a professional homelike Residence for the aged of Cincinnati who needed nursing care. St. Margaret Hall presently provides Residential, Skilled Nursing, Rehabilitative Services, Respite, Palliative and Hospice Care.
Jackson leaving Athenaeum for Summit Country Day
July 13, 2012 Jim Jackson, advancement director of The Athenaeum of Ohio/Mount St. Mary’s Seminary of the West for more than seven years announced July 11 he is leaving the position to lead the advancement department at Summit Country Day School in Hyde Park.
Cady was La Salle’s ‘greatest role model’
July 13, 2012 By Greg Tankersley To say that Bill Cady is a legend at La Salle High School might be an understatement. The long-time teacher, coach and Christian role model served from the school’s inception and beyond his retirement.
My Daily Constitution comes to Dayton
July 13, 2012 One Nation, in Sickness and in Health; What does the Constitution have to say about the Health Care Reform Bill? A Constitution Dialogue will be held on Tuesday, July 24, 7-9 p.m. at SideBar 410, 410 East 5th St., Dayton OH 45402. The Dialogue is organized by …
Xavier University grad shooting for medals at London Olympics
July 12, 2012 Catholic News Service WASHINGTON — One-tenth of an inch puts Sgt. 1st Class Jason Parker above some of the best marksmen in the country.
Former Detroit seminary rector named bishop of Steubenville
July 3, 2012 Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — Pope Benedict XVI has named Msgr. Jeffrey M. Monforton, rector-president of Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit for the past six years, as bishop of Steubenville, Ohio.
Sisters of the Precious Blood award nearly $490,000 in grants
July 3, 2012 DAYTON – The Sisters of the Precious Blood awarded $489,948 in grants to 51 social service agencies, schools and social programs from the congregation’s Maria Anna Brunner Grant Fund. The grants will support projects in 2012 and 2013.
TRiO Programs Confront Problems Facing Society Today
June 28, 2012 On Friday, June 29th from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm, TRiO programs from southwest Ohio will gather in Kelly Auditorium of Xavier University’s Alter Hall to discuss “Advocacy: TRiO and Me.”