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Archbishop urges religious freedom action
Special to The Catholic Telegraph January 16 letter details strategy based on prayer; shares details of pending court cases Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr has urged the priests of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati to participate in a strategy of prayer and information about the issue of religious liberty in the …
Xavier, Dayton Plan Respective Week Of Events To Honor MLK
Xavier University plans a week of events to celebrate the birthday of civil rights leader the Rev. Martin Luther King. Events are free and open to the public, except where noted. Co-sponsored by Xavier’s Office of Multicultural Affairs, Office of Student Involvement, Center for Interfaith Community Engagement, Alpha Kappa Alpha …
World Day for Consecrated Life is February 2
In 1997, Pope John Paul II instituted a day of prayer for women and men in the consecrated life. In Vita Consecrata, Pope John Paul II describes various forms of the consecrated life: the monastic life in the East and West, the Order of Virgins, Institutes completely devoted to contemplation, …
Chaminade Julienne Plans To Open CJ STEMM Center (VIDEO)
DAYTON — On Jan. 9 Chaminade Julienne High School announced plans for a $4 million dollar renovation to the school’s second floor to create the CJ STEMM Center. The center is slated to open in August of 2013 and be ready for the following school year. The announcement of the …
Salesian Guild will honor Mark Curnutte at annual event
Mark Curnutte, Cincinnati Enquirer reporter and author, will be honored as the Salesian Guild’s Distinguished Communicator of the Year at the group’s annual dinner meeting in Cincinnati on Saturday, Jan. 26. Cincinnati photographer Robert Flischel will be guest speaker, presenting an audiovisual program based on his coffee table book Messages …
St. Antoninus teacher wins online giveaway
Mrs. Linda Wolff, fifth-grade teacher at St. Antoninus parish, says her school is sharing her exciting for winning the iPad Mini awarded by the Archdiocesan office of Evangelization and Catechesis Year of Faith Giveaway. The Giveaway was hosted in conjunction with the A.C.E. Project to help broaden its on-line audience, …
Project Rachel Offers Healing, Hope After Abortion
By John Stegeman It’s well known that the Catholic Church is one of the strongest advocates for a child’s right to life, with various organizations dedicated to overturning the landmark Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision. While the victims of abortion are well memorialized in “Field of Innocents” displays around …
Emmanuel Parish Celebrates 175 years
By Father Angelo Anthony, CPPS Among the historical treasures to be found in Emmanuel Church in Dayton, one is readily drawn to the beautiful stained glass windows that tell the story of the life of Jesus along the east wall and the life of Mary on the west wall. Throughout …
Everyday Evangelist: Dr. Bob Burger
A strong Catholic faith finds its roots in one of two places — consistent faith formation, or a powerful conversion experience. For Dr. Bob Burger, his faith stems from the former. A “Cradle Catholic,” Burger’s life has seen success at every stage, but along with that success he has …
A Letter From Archbishop Schnurr: On The 40th Anniversary Of Roe v. Wade
My dear friends in Christ, The 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the tragic U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion at all stages of pregnancy by judicial fiat, is a sobering and dispiriting occasion. Many of us have spent most or all of our lives fighting to restore a …