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Local News
Secular media coverage of papal transition, ‘mix of ignorance and malice’

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph The resignation of His Holiness Benedict XVI, Pope Emeritus, from the office of the papacy may go down as one of the biggest media events of 2013. Many newspapers, radio stations and television channels devoted time and resources to covering everything from Benedict’s last …
@CathTelegraph sends 1,000th tweet
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph On Friday, March 1, The Catholic Telegraph sent out it’s 1000th tweet. The Catholic Telegraph joined Twitter in March of 2009, sending its first tweet on March 4. The first tweet was simple; “First Tweet … hello everybody.” The @CathTelegraph account preceded the current …
Archdiocese releases school ‘Vision’ update
Press Release The Archdiocese of Cincinnati has released a comprehensive update on the first six months of implementation of “Lighting the Way: A Vision for Catholic Schools.” The Vision, which was unveiled last August, details an array of initiatives to ensure a strong, vibrant future for the 114 Catholic schools …
Archbishop Schnurr celebrates mass for the election of the pope [Video]
On March 1, Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr celebrated mass at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains in downtown Cincinnati. The video above is his homily from that mass. Included below is the complete text of Archbishop Schnurr’s homily. Mass for Pope Benedict XVI Homily of Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr …
Sister of Mercy heads archdiocesan Tribunal with skill, faith
By Dan Andriacco For The Catholic Telegraph Sister of Mercy Victoria Vondenberger, director of the archdiocesan Tribunal, grew up as the oldest child in her family, with four brothers and no sisters. “When I entered the community my brother Dan was in the first grade and told his friends that …
Have a question for our bishops? Have it answered during Lent
Ask a Bishop! Have you ever wondered what a bishop does all day? Are you curious about Archbishop Dennis M Schnurr or Bishop Joseph R. Binzer’s thoughts on a particular subject? What are their favorite memories of Pope Benedict XVI? What they do in their spare time? Now’s your chance …
Archbishop’s Letter: ‘Live generously in a Year of Faith’
Dear partners in the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, I write to you at this time to urge your generous participation in the 2013 Catholic Ministries Appeal in all our parishes. This year’s theme, prompted by our Holy Father’s call to renew and share …
Ignatian Volunteers put Gospel values into practice
By Patricia McGeever For The Catholic Telegraph As social service agencies and nonprofits struggle to meet the needs of a growing number of people, one national organization with a local footprint is looking for more volunteers to serve them. The Ignatian Volunteer Corps (IVC) has 12 volunteers locally who incorporate …
CMA campaign supports archdiocesan ministries
By Steve Trosley The Catholic Telegraph Making large numbers out of smaller numbers is Michael Vanderburgh’s vocation. The jovial director the archdiocesan Office of Stewardship has launched the 2013 Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) knowing there are fewer Catholics in the archdiocese and knowing he has a tougher goal for this …
Archdiocese parishes take part in CRS 2013 rice bowl program
More than 130 parishes, schools, a university and a religious order in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati are participating in the Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Rise Bowl program during Lent this year. The program, according to archdiocesan CRS Director Pam Long, previously known as Operation Rice Bowl, has been renamed CRS …