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Press Release Father Mike Pucke, Pastor of St. Julie Billiart, and Father Geoff Drew, Pastor of St.  Maximilian Kolbe, will concelebrate a Mass for Immigration Reform at Noon Sunday, Oct. 13.

Press Release The Board of Trustees at the College of Mount St. Joseph announced today the College will officially become Mount St. Joseph University effective July 1, 2014. The designation change to University positions the Mount to leverage its expanding academic offerings including increasing its number of graduate programs for …

Press Release The College of Mount St. Joseph will honor Christine Firer Hinze, Ph.D., with the St. Elizabeth Seton Medal on Wednesday, October 16, in the Mater Dei Chapel at noon. Hinze will then present a lecture titled “In Pursuit of Our Common Good: Educating for Solidarity and Participation as …

By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph  Joe D’Ambrosio spent more than 20 years on Ohio’s death row protesting his innocence in the 1988 murder of 19-year-old Anthony Klann of Cleveland. In early 2012 D’Ambrosio became the sixth death row inmate to be exonerated in Ohio and the 140th overall in …

Staff Report When SportsLeader works with Catholic schools, one of its hopes is to help the school strengthen their Catholic identity. One of the ways SportsLeader does this is by encouraging prayer after athletic contests. Two SportsLeader schools, members Bishop Fenwick and McNicholas, met on the football field Sept. 27. …

Press Release Father David Howard of the Reading Pastoral Region (consisting of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart and Sts. Peter and Paul Parishes in Reading, OH) celebrated with parishioners at their first combined picnic on Sunday, September 29, 2013 at Reading’s Koenig Park.

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph  Project Rachel, an outreach ministry of the archdiocesan Family and Respect Life Office, has been ministering to post-abortive women in this archdiocese for nearly 20 years. Its retreats have helped many women return to their faith by sharing with them the message of God’s …

By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph  Two local seminarians had the opportunity to experience the faith and hospitality of the Honduran people during a trip to the Central American country from June 24 to Aug. 6. Ethan Moore and Jacob Willig, who are preparing for the priesthood at Mount …

By Eileen Connely, OSU The Catholic Telegraph   St. Susanna Parish in Mason marked 75 years as a community of faith during a special Mass on June 30. Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr presided at the joyous liturgy, assisted by Fathers Robert Farrell, Stephen Lattner, Harry Meyer and John Tonkin. 

Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr speaks at a rally for the 40 Days for Life campaign in Kettering, Ohio. (Courtesy Photo/Tom Dalrymple)
Staff Report At least three 40 Days for Life campaigns are underway in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. The campaigns, in which pro-lifers stand outside abortion clinics in prayer, began in Cincinnati and Sharonville on Sept. 29 and in Kettering on Sept. 15. The Dayton 40 Days for Life campaign, which …