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The Evans children, from left, Jimmy, Zoe, and Ashton, pose with their mother, Ao, holding a photo of her deceased husband Richard, after their baptism at St. James of the Valley Church in February. (Courtesy Photo)
By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph It’s been nearly a year since a senseless tragedy claimed the life of a devoted husband, father and well respected local business owner, but in that time a community and parish have united to support his family with compassion and faith. 

Poor Clare Sisters look on during a ceremony. (CT Photo/Colleen Kelley)
By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph It was with prayer and gratitude that two women made their permanent commitment to life as Poor Clares during separate ceremonies in recent months, supported by their fellow sisters, family members, friends and local Franciscan friars. Both ceremonies took place at St. Clement …

By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph Ever since he was ordained in 1992, Dominican Father Andre-Joseph LaCasse has dreamed of being able to offer members of the faith communities where he has served the opportunity to participate in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament continuously during the day and night, …

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph  CINCINNATI — Police evacuated parts of the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains, City Hall and the Centennial Plaza office building after a suspicious object was discovered on Central Avenue between Seventh and Eighth streets Monday morning.

Body & Soul Father Armstrong
Body & Soul is a feature that hopes to highlight faith-filled folks who nourish others through their ministries, other food related topics and perhaps even heavenly inspired recipes. Please send any story ideas to Eileen Connelly, OSU. By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph  As a young boy, Father Christopher …

Press Release R. David Profitt, a permanent deacon for the Diocese of Covington (Ky.) with a professional background in investments and asset management, has been appointed Director of the Permanent Diaconate Office for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, effective July 1. He will succeed Barry Mersmann, who is retiring after 16 …

Editor’s Note Due to technical difficulties, the “Preserve Religious Freedom” poster referenced in Archbishop Dennis M Schnurr’s letter in the June edition of The Catholic Telegraph did not appear in print. However, the poster is available for free download HERE.  You can get a printed copy by calling 513 421-3131 Extension 6608 or …

By Steve Trosley The Catholic Telegraph  The Catholic Conference of Ohio, on behalf of the Catholic Bishops of Ohio, have written a letter including a Reflection Statement on SB 310 — Ohioʼs alternative energy portfolio standards. The reflection provides a brief overview of Catholic Churchʼs teaching regarding care for creation, …

The June print edition of The Catholic Telegraph is hot off the press and should be arriving in mailboxes around May 28. (CT Photo/John Stegeman)
Staff Report The June edition of The Catholic Telegraph runs 36 pages with complete coverage of the May 17 priest ordinations, a special vocations section, graduation listing and more. The cover of the June issue features now-Fathers Brian Phelps and James Riehle lying prostrate on the floor of the Cathedral …

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Just three years after their order was approved by Pope Leo XII, the Missionaries of St. Charles Borromeo (C.S.) made their way to Cincinnati. A priest of the order, popularly referred to as Scalabrinians after their founder Bishop Giovanna Battista Scalabrini, helped found Sacred …