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St. Ann Cincinnati Reds event unique among parishes

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Parishes in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati host a wide array of social events. From picnics to festivals, there’s plenty in common and many parishes take advantage of a shared love throughout southwestern Ohio — Cincinnati Reds baseball.
Retired auxiliary bishop of Toledo dies
By Cherie Spino & Angela Kessler Catholic News Service TOLEDO — Retired Auxiliary Bishop Robert W. Donnelly of Toledo, Ohio died July 21 at his home in Toledo at age 83. Afternoon visitation was scheduled for July 28, to be followed by an evening vigil at Our Lady, Queen of the …
Social media growth continues for The Catholic Telegraph
Staff Report Heeding the call to a New Evangelization, The Catholic Telegraph has been active on social media sites Facebook and Twitter for several years. On July 23, 2014 the newspaper’s official Twitter feed, @cathtelegraph, picked up its 6,000th follower.
NET Ministries has arrived in Archdiocese of Cincinnati

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph NET Ministries opened the organization’s first regional office in Cincinnati July 1. The youth evangelization organization, which announced it would be opening a regional office here late last year, has been working in this archdiocese for years, hosting more than 50 retreats in 2013. …
August edition: Interview with an Archbishop Emeritus, and more

Staff Report Subscribers to The Catholic Telegraph’s print edition (and remember you can sign up here for a subscription at no cost to you) will begin receiving their August editions of the newspaper around Tuesday, July 29.
Festival season still going strong

Staff Report Lest one believe that summer fun is nearing an end as July rolls along, The Catholic Telegraph’s 2014 Festival Guide includes 40 more festivals between now and the end of September.
Meaningful music can help keep Hispanic Catholics in the pews

By Mary Bertolini For The Catholic Telegraph The Catholic Church’s door swings both ways for Catholic Hispanics in the United States, just as it does for all other cultures. Many come in, but there are also those who leave. Sixty-seven percent of Latino adults identified themselves as Catholic in 2010, …
Education Briefs: Elder High School gets anonymous donation
Staff Report Elder High School principal Tom Otten announced a recent gift of $2.5 million received from the school’s “Guardian Angel” family. Otten explained that the family, who wishes to remain anonymous, earned the nickname “because they seem to be aware of our most pressing needs, yet choose to avoid …
St. Ignatius parishioner ordained Jesuit priest in Milwaukee
By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph Growing up in St. Ignatius Loyola Parish in Monfort Heights, Jesuit Father Eric Sundrup had no idea of the significance the faith community’s patron saint would one day play in his life.
Archdiocesan Pastoral Council holds quarterly meeting
By Steve Trosley The Catholic Telegraph The Archdiocesan Pastoral Council learned that only seven to 10 percent of Catholics in any parish are engaged in their faith and the life of their church while the “nones” — people with no affiliation at all — are increasing in number.