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Archbishop names Groman abuse survivors ministry coordinator
Press Release Cherie Groman has been appointed the new Coordinator of Ministry to Survivors of Abuse by Cincinnati Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr, effective July 1.
Music director loves leading people to the Lord
By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph “This is what I’m supposed to be doing. This is my vocation.” To be able to utter those words with such joy and certainty is a blessing and it’s how George Stegeman, director of music at Guardian Angels Parish at Mt. Washington, speaks …
Music ministry challenges ever ancient, ever new
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Aside from the pastor, the parish music director can be the most public face of a parish. At nearly every Mass, wedding or funeral, he or she is there. The largest national organization for Catholic musicians, the National Association of Pastoral Musicians (NPM), will …
Couple in sync in marriage and music
By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph It was Bonnie and Skip Ekhart’s love for liturgical music that first brought them together, and for more than 20 years, the couple has been sharing their gifts at Precious Blood Parish in Dayton. Bonnie serves as the director of music and liturgy …
Kinzig’s family ties stretch back to early 1900s
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Since nearly 1900, there has been an Eifert providing music for Catholic parishes in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.
Couple’s path brings them from secular clubs, to church music
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Alice and Steve Barnes, a husband and wife duo, are music director and organist, respectively, at Holy Trinity church in Norwood.
Friars Studio brings artistic opportunities to Over-the-Rhine
By Patricia McGeever For The Catholic Telegraph The renaissance of Cincinnati’s Over-the-Rhine neighborhood is bringing new restaurants, shops, apartments and galleries into rehabbed buildings that, in many cases, are more than a century old. Inside one of those buildings, another type of renaissance is taking place. People who attend a …
Seeking and finding Catholic Disciplemen
By Joshua Danis For The Catholic Telegraph A recent survey from the Pew Research Forum confirms a disturbing trend in our Church. Taking into account a variety of factors and measurements, men score an average of at least ten points lower in religiosity then women do. Here are the findings: …
Coming next month: Equipping Missionary Disciples
By Sean Ater For The Catholic Telegraph Meet Maureen. Maureen is 47, married and has one child who recently started her first job and has moved out of state. Maureen has always valued her Catholic faith and her relationship with God.
Proclaim 2014 event to renew commitment to ‘missionary option’
By Steve Trosley The Catholic Telegraph Parish and ministry leaders from across the Archdiocese of Cincinnati will gather in Dayton Oct. 6 and 7 to become better equipped to be disciples of Christ in the new missionary age defined by Pope Francis.