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Adams County ‘Farm Mass’ well attended
Staff Report WEST UNION — The second of two “Farm Masses” celebrated annually in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati took place Sept. 5 in Adams County. Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr celebrated Mass at the property of Randy Louiso in West Union. The host parish was Holy Trinity, also in West Union.
Throwback Thursday: September 11, 2001
Staff Report The events of September 11, 2001 are burned into the memories of all Americans alive at the time. For arguably the first time in world history, a major international tragedy took place under the watch of a 24-hour news cycle.
SportsLeader releases video of HS football Rosary Rally
Staff Report Back on July 31 nearly 500 students, athletes and coaches gathered to adore the the Lord in the Eucharist and to pray the rosary prior to the start of the high school football practice season. To read the original story, click HERE.
Holy Cross Church in Dayton marks a century of faith
Report Holy Cross Roman Catholic Lithuanian Church in Dayton has been celebrating a century of faith in a variety of ways. The parish’s 100th anniversary Mass was held June 22, with Auxiliary Bishop Joseph R. Binzer as the main celebrant. Concelebrants were Father Eric Bowman, Holy Cross Church administrator, Father …
Catholic cemetery needs help combating invasive pests
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph HAMILTON — For more than a century mourners at St. Stephen and St. Mary cemeteries in Hamilton, Ohio have come to pay their respects to the deceased among a diverse canopy of trees. Because of an insect less than half an inch in length, …
Ants lead woman to Comboni lay missionary vocation
By Mary Bertollini For The Catholic Telegraph Ants pushed Maria Bernardina “Dina” Beach into missionary life. Yes, ants. She studied them as part of her undergraduate studies and was intrigued by their sense of hard work, community and care for one another.
Opportunities to grow in faith abound in September
Staff Report This time of year is ripe with opportunity. Events around the world and in our daily lives coincide with the church’s liturgical calendar to offer many chances to grow in faith. Here are suggested Family Life activities for September.
Throwback Thursday: Computers were all the rage in 1983
Staff Report Throwback Thursday is here again and today we’re taking a look at a March 18, 1983 edition of The Catholic Telegraph. The full story, featured below as a photo, notes that St. Remy parish in Russia, Ohio had adopted the use of a computer into parish office life, …
Community Blend serves up coffee and change
By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph For many years, decades in fact, the storefront at 3546 Montgomery Road in Evanston sat vacant. That all changed on May 19 when Community Blend, the newest employee owned, cooperative business created by Interfaith Business Builders, Inc. (IBB), opened it doors to serve …
St. Henry Parish celebrates 175 years of community and faith
By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph In the “Land of Cross Tipped Churches,” the region in the northern part of the archdiocese where Catholic churches dot the rural landscape, their steeples are visible from miles away. They rise above the cornfields and small towns as a testament to the …