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Statement of U.S. Bishops’ International Justice and Peace Chairman on Continued Violence in the Holy Land

October 27, 2023 WASHINGTON – In response to the escalating Israel-Hamas war, Bishop David J. Malloy of Rockford, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Committee on International Justice and Peace, renewed his call for peace. “The war in the Holy Land is playing out in real time …
The Catholic Campaign for Human Development

by Rebekah Davidson The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) “is an anti-poverty initiative that’s designed to root out the causes of systemic poverty,” said Glen Glenn, the Program Coordinator of CCHD. “We fund initiatives that work toward that end.” CCHD offers grants to organizations targeting issues that can lead …
Harrison resident makes commitment as Providence Associate

Harrison resident Linda Doyle recently deepened her relationship with the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana. On Saturday, Oct. 21, Linda made a commitment as a Providence Associate, joining 19 other 2023 associates choosing to walk more closely with the Sisters of Providence. Providence Associates are women and men …

CINCINNATI, OH – October 23, 2023 – St. Vincent de Paul – Cincinnati (SVDP) is launching its 23rd annual Winter Coat Drive. SVDP is asking the public for donations of new and gently used coats, which will be distributed to neighbors in need. In partnership with St. Vincent de Paul …
Commemorating The 50th Anniversary of the End of the Vietnam War

W H A T | End of Vietnam War 50th Anniversary Commemoration W H E N | Saturday, October 28, 2023, 2:00 P.M. W H E R E | Gate of Heaven Cemetery, Veterans Garden 11000 Montgomery Rd. Cincinnati OH W H O| Guest Speakers: Congressman Brad Wenstrup, Colonel (R) …
Pro-life movement steps up ground efforts to defeat Ohio abortion amendment

By Tyler Arnold Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Oct 20, 2023 / 13:56 pm As early voting continues on Ohio’s Issue 1 abortion amendment, hundreds of volunteers and workers within the pro-life movement are intensifying their efforts to reach voters through door-knocking, phone-banking, and advertisements. “We’re really running a full-scale presidential-level campaign here …
Pope Francis announces prayer vigil, day of fasting for peace in Israel-Hamas war

By Matthew Santucci Vatican City, Oct 18, 2023 / 13:08 pm Pope Francis at the end of his general audience on Wednesday morning announced another day of prayer and fasting for an end to the Israel-Hamas war. “I have decided to call for a day of fasting and prayer on Friday, …
Pro-life groups warn of late abortions in Ohio Issue 1. Here’s what the initiative says

By Tyler Arnold Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Oct 17, 2023 / 10:50 am As early voting continues on the controversial Issue 1 abortion proposal in Ohio, pro-life groups are warning that the vague language in the proposed amendment could strip away parental rights and lead to late-term, partial-birth abortions on demand there. …
A Call for Prayer and Fasting for Peace

Dear brothers and sisters, may the Lord indeed give us His peace! The pain and dismay at what is happening is great. Once again we find ourselves in the midst of a political and military crisis. We have suddenly been catapulted into a sea of unprecedented violence. The hatred, which …
Statement of U.S. Bishops’ International Justice and Peace Chairman Amidst Violence in the Holy Land

October 8, 2023 WASHINGTON – In response to the continued tensions and violence that erupted into warfare between Gaza and Israel on October 7, Bishop David J. Malloy of Rockford, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Committee on International Justice and Peace, calls for prayers for peace in the Holy …