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Press Release Kathy Kane, Principal of Our Lady of Victory Catholic School in Delhi Township, has been named a recipient of the Distinguished Principal Award from the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA). This national award was given to Kane based upon nominations submitted by school parents, staff members, and the …

Dear Friends in Christ, As a former member of Catholic Relief Services’ (CRS) Board of Directors, I am inviting every parish and school in our archdiocese to use CRS Rice Bowl for Lent 2015. CRS Rice Bowl guides families on a Lenten journey of faith and solidarity, helps parents bring …

By Sarah Anne Carter For The Catholic Telegraph  While searching for ideas for a parish get-together, one member of Sacred Heart in New Carlisle found the perfect fit out in the woods. The parish hosted a trap shoot Nov. 8, and about 35 parishioners attended, along with Father Ken Hummel, …

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Various resources exist on The Catholic Telegraph and Archdiocese of Cincinnati websites to help the faithful find Mass times and confession availability, but until this week another key resource had gone dark. Wayne Topp, associate vocation director for the archdiocese, created a database of …

Staff Report For today’s Throwback Thursday, the staff shares editorial cartoons from three different decades of The Catholic Telegraph-Register highlighting issues important to the church that now, decades later, are still very much front and center. These cartoons show that the more things change in the culture around us, the …

Conversion isn’t always a blinding light or whispered voice that leads to major transformation. Other times it is small steps along a life of faith that lead someone closer to Christ. Auxiliary Bishop Joseph R. Binzer has led a life full of moments like the latter. Now a bishop, in …

By Walt Schaefer For The Catholic Telegraph  Jack Metz is a well-churched Catholic. An odyssey of his ended in November at St. Anthony of Padua Church in Walnut Hills when he attended Mass there. With that Mass, Metz has attended Masses at all 82 Catholic churches in Hamilton County. “I …

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph  For more than 50 years, members of Ed Miller’s family have run the historic Parkland Theatre in Sayler Park. Miller’s personal ownership stake began in 1998 and ever since, his faith as a Roman Catholic has informed each business decision he’s made. Step one, …

By Walt Scaefer For The Catholic Telegraph  For the 175th anniversary of St. Philomena Parish, the oldest in Clermont County, Father Jerry Hiland wants to do more than remember its legacy. He wants to bring the legacy back to life. And, at a time of combining parishes into pastoral regions …

By Sarah Anne Carter For The Catholic Telegraph Tucked away in the middle of Springfield, Ohio, is a soup kitchen that not only feeds stomachs, but also warms hearts and saves lives. The work is important and has been recognized as such by several organizations and the pope himself.