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By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph  Finding events for teens or retirees hasn’t been a challenge in many parts of the church. One underserved population, however, has been young adults. Five local ministries have combined forces to fix that problem beginning May 1 with the first Vigil Praise event, an …

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine visited St. Joseph Catholic School in Cincinnati Monday. DeWine had reached out to Catholic InnerCity Schools Education Fund (CISE) Director Cary Powell, seeking to visit a CISE school and Powell chose St. Joseph for the tour.

Staff Report April 16, 1927 was Holy Saturday that year. A Bavarian police officer and his wife had just delivered their third and youngest child. His name was Joseph Ratzinger. Today is Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI’s 88th birthday and by providence, his papacy began three days after his birthday in …

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph  Board members and other volunteers of the Islamic Center of Greater Cincinnati toured the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains Wednesday, April 15 with Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr. The visit was reciprocal, as Archbishop Schnurr had toured the Islamic Center in 2010.

By Walt Schaefer For The Catholic Telegraph Cathy Diehl has a basement crammed with wedding gowns — about 100 have been donated to date. When she started her ministry, she had 10 volunteer seamstresses. Now she has 25. There were no volunteers to make deliveries or pick up donations. Now …

By Steve Trosley The Catholic Telegraph The financial condition of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati continues to improve, officials told the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council March 7 at its regular quarterly meeting. Archdiocesan finances are “stable and balanced,” finance review committee member Ron Kienzle told the group.  “Spending is below revenue and …

Staff Report DePaul Cristo Rey High School in Cincinnati has been experiencing a year of firsts. The school’s first graduating class will receive diplomas May 31 (and 100 percent of them have been accepted to college). The basketball team had its first successful season. Now the school has had its …

Staff Report The Priests’ Personnel Office announced the following information regarding assignments on April 8. 

By Walt Schaefer For The Catholic Telegraph About a decade ago, Bradley Duncan was in church with his family when his infant son, Gabriel, started crying. “I was out in the lobby of the church during Mass that day trying to quiet him down and I saw a poster on …