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Friday Photo: Cinco de Mayo

Staff Report Members of Orgullo Mexicano (Mexican Pride) under the direction of Imelda Ayala, performed for teachers and guests at the 26th Annual Miami Valley Teacher Awards Banquet in Kettering May 5 or Cinco de Mayo.
Throwback Thursday: Archbishop heads to Rome for Holy Year of 1975

Staff Report The association of a Holy Door with jubilee years in the Catholic Church dates back to sometime before 1475. Each of the four papal basilicas in Rome has a holy door that is usually sealed shut, until a jubilee year, when it is opened and pilgrims passing through …
Local service to celebrate beatification of Oscar Romero
Report The Catholic Social Action, Mission, and Family and Respect Life Offices, and the Society of St. Vincent De Paul, will participate in a celebration “In the Sprit of Romero,” 7-9 p.m. Wednesday, May 20, at Bellarmine Chapel on the campus of Xavier University. Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador, …
IHM parishioner says, ‘God is my lead accountant’

By Walt Scaefer For The Catholic Telegraph Mike Desmier worked at the behest of others for years. Now he has found a personal niche in life. As a certified public accountant, Desmier toiled for area construction companies, where owner demands sometimes conflicted with reality. He became disillusioned with the quest …
Bishop Binzer presides at Lehman Catholic May Crowning

Report The month of May in the Catholic Church is traditionally a time to honor Mary, the Mother of God. Catholic students across the archdiocese often participate in May Crowning ceremonies, wherein a crown of flowers is placed on the head of a Marian statue. Students at Lehman Catholic High …
St. Rita School for the Deaf celebrates 100th anniversary

By Patricia McGeever The Catholic Telegraph One hundred years ago, a young priest in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati was given a special assignment. Archbishop Henry Moeller instructed Father Henry Waldhaus to build a school to educate deaf children. This was a challenge on so many levels. But a century later, …
Archbishop asks prayers as justices consider same-sex marriage

Staff Report Archbishop of Cincinnati Dennis M. Schnurr has urged archdiocesan priests and deacons to keep their congregations informed on the case before the Supreme Court that could federalize same-sex marriage, making it a right and the law of the land. “Over the past several years,” the Archbishop writes, “we …
Archbishop Schnurr urges participation in Nepal collection

Staff Report A 7.8‐magnitude earthquake struck Nepal in the late morning of April 25, toppling buildings and homes, causing widespread panic and claiming thousands of lives. Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr, in a message to all parishes of the archdiocese, said: “Our Church mourns the terrible suffering of our brothers and …
Throwback Thursday: Cathedral under construction
Staff Report If the above photo of the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains is worth a thousand words, the Throwback Thursday team is relieved to know there isn’t much to type. Put as succinctly as possible; Construction began on the cathedral in 1841 and it was dedicated in 1845. …
Altar servers, sacristans enjoy Reds game courtesy of Serra Club [Photos]

Staff Report For the second consecutive year, the Serra Club of Cincinnati and the Cincinnati Reds made discount tickets available to scores of altar servers and sacristans as a way of saying thanks for their service. This year participating servers and sacristans attended the April 29 game at Great American …