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Staff Report Mount St. Joseph University announced Monday morning that Joel Thierstein, J.D., Ph.D., has been named interim president while the school conducts a national search to replace Tony Aretz. Aretz announced his resignation earlier this year after seven years as president. In February, Aretz was a finalist to be named …

Staff Report Sometimes you just don’t want the fun to end. The setting for today’s Photo Friday image is the final day of the Cincitalia festival May 17 at Harvest Home Park in Cheviot. On a warm summer evening the last patrons, a mother and daughter, are seen leaving the …

Staff Report The June issue of The Catholic Telegraph began arriving in mailboxes this morning, bringing with it an in-depth look at the fruit of Catholic high schools throughout the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. More than 3,000 young men and women are graduating from these Catholic schools this month and an 11-page …

Staff Report The Archdiocese of Cincinnati will observe the forth annual Fortnight for Freedom. “Preserve Religious Freedom” yard signs can be secured (at a cost of two for $1) by emailing [email protected]

A Sister of the Precious Blood calls a young boy safe as he slides into home plate in this 1960 photograph. (CT File/Throwback Thursday)
Staff Report Nothing says summer like some sandlot baseball, and nothing shows the commitment of the Sisters of the Precious Blood like the photo accompanying this Throwback Thursday story. The unnamed sister in full habit seen in the photo above is calling a young boy safe as he slides into home plate during …

Staff Report The four Catholic colleges located within the Archdiocese of Cincinnati have each made new in recent weeks. Here’s a look at what’s happening at each school.

Sister Theresa Falkenstein of the Congregation of Divine Providence speaks with young people at an event hosted at St. Monica-St. George. (Courtesy Photo) Staff Report On Sunday April 26, to celebrate the Year for Consecrated Life, St. Monica-St. George parish in Clifton hosted an information fair in the Catholic Center. The …

By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph Shopping for and preparing meals isn’t easy for people who live on a limited incomes and lack transportation. This includes urban neighborhoods in the Dayton area, ranked fourth in the nation for food hardship. For one week in Lent (March 22-38) the Catholic …

By Walt Schaefer For The Catholic Telegraph As Catholics await an encyclical from Pope Francis addressing ecology, the topic continues to be an item of heated discussion around the globe. As a prelude to the encyclical, Xavier University invited Cincinnati native Daniel J. Misleh, executive director of the Catholic Climate Covenant …

Staff Report Where can you find a sick call box of Archbishop Elder’s, a hat worn at the Second Vatican Council by Archbishop Alter and the handwritten journal of Archbishop Purcell? The Chancery Archives of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati includes these treasures and more. See video below  On May 19 the archives were …