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Local News
Ruah Woods continues to expand ministry
By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph The dedication of the New Evangelization Center at Ruah Woods in 2014 was a milestone for the organization and it is continuing to expand its ministry geared toward restoring the family and renewing the culture by educating and training others to understand, embrace …
Archdiocese principals honored at annual meeting
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Principals from the Catholic schools of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati gathered April 29 at Voice of America Park in Butler County for their annual meeting and awards ceremony. After being updated on various policies, procedures and important notes from the archdiocese, the principals were …
Archbishop Schnurr: Freedom of religion “being rapidly eroded”

The following letter from Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr to the faithful of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati urges participating in the coming Fortnight for Freedom. The letter originally appeared in the June 2015 print edition of The Catholic Telegraph. My dear frends in Christ, Catholics everywhere have been appalled at the spectacle of Christians being …
Cross the Bridge for Life Sunday

Staff Report On Sunday, June 7, thousands of people from across the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and the Diocese of Covington will come together and witness for the unborn by crossing the Purple People Bridge (officially the Newport-Southbank Bridge), which spans the Ohio River from Newport on the Levee in Kentucky to Sawyer Point …
Friday Photo: Take me out to the ball game

Staff Report About 40 members of the St. Maximilian Kolbe Children’s Choir took to the field at Great American Ballpark Sunday May 31, marking the second-straight year the choir has performed at a Cincinnati Reds’ game. The children’s choir, directed by Mary Ella Wielgos, sang the Star Spangled Banner before receiving …
St. Vincent de Paul Cincinnati welcomes new executive director
Press Release Following an extensive search lasting nearly six months, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, a leading local non-profit serving families in need across Cincinnati, is pleased to announce that Mike Dunn will assume the role of Executive Director of the Cincinnati District Council effective June 1, 2015. …
Provincial of local Franciscans meets Pope Francis

Staff Report Father Jeff Scheeler, provincial minister for the Franciscan Friars headquartered in Cincinnati, was one of more than 150 leaders of the Orders of Friars Minor who gathered in Assisi, Italy in May for the order’s month-long general chapter. Many of the leaders took time out to visit Rome and …
Events mark 10th anniversary of Sister Dorothy Stang’s death

Staff Report Two events are planned to mark the 10th anniversary the murder of murder of Sister of Notre Dame de Namur Dorothy Stang in February 2005. Sister Dorothy was shot and killed by hired gunmen as she walked along a dirt road in the Amazon rainforest of Brazil.
Archdiocesan program addresses faithful sustainability

By Walt Schaefer For The Catholic Telegraph Exploring how the local church can reduce its environmental impact brought parish facilities managers and homeowners to St. John the Evangelist Parish in West Chester April 25 About 25 facilities managers and an equal number of homeowners from across Greater Cincinnati and Dayton …
By the numbers: A glance at the Class of 2015

Staff Report There are 24 Catholic high schools in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati that will graduate 3,168 men and women into the college ranks, military or workforce this summer. Here’s a by the numbers look at the class of 2015. • Largest Graduating Class: 376 St. Xavier High School • …