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Local News
Throwback Thursday: Cincinnati an archdiocese for 165 years

Staff Report Catholic Journalism in the 1800s was a different thing. If a diocese became an archdiocese in the U.S. today, it’d probably make the front page as soon as word reached the editor. The situation played out differently in 1850. On July 19, 1850, Pope Pius IX elevated the …
All-Star Lineup: 9 stories connecting the Catholic community with the Cincinnati Reds

Staff Report The Major League Baseball All-Star game will be played tonight in Cincinnati. While the Archdiocese of Cincinnati isn’t directly involved with the festivities on an official level, there have been some Catholic connections. Chaminade Julienne High School got a renovated baseball field thanks to the Reds and MLB …
Chaminade Julienne benefits from All-Star game in Cincinnati

Staff Report As part of the lead-up to tonight’s All-Star game, the Cincinnati Reds Community Fund and Major League Baseball decided to renovate nine tri-state area baseball facilities and one of the chosen few was Howell Field — home of the Chaminade Julienne Eagles. The projects are part of MLB’s …
Throwback Thursday: Updating an iconic chapel

Staff Report After the reforms of the Second Vatican Council, the nearly century-old Chapel of the Immaculate Conception at the University of Dayton was renovated. The changes, which took place in the early 1970s, included turning the alter around to face the people, removal of pews for chairs and a …
New Catholic website aims to reach a different audience

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph A new website produced by the Archdiocese of Cincinnati is promising to “stir into flame the gift of God.” Referencing 2 Timothy 1:6,, is an outreach of the archdiocese to everyone, but specifically the unengaged Catholics. Upon visiting the site, readers see a …
My Journey: Cradle Catholic says recognize need for constant commitment

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Luke Carey, Assistant Director Office of the New Evangelization for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati isn’t a convert. For Carey, there was no moment when it all just clicked. There was no explosive experience wherein the faith of his childhood was confirmed. Instead, there were …
Archdiocese launches Food for All campaign

Staff Report No one should be hungry. The archdiocesan Catholic Social Action Office, in partnership with the Office of the New Evangelization, Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio and Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley, is sponsoring Food for All: Be Multiplied, launching July 1. The effort localizes Pope Francis’ “One …
Vocation office releases new video on college seminary life

Staff Report Late last month the Vocations Office of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati released a new video depicting the life of seminarians discerning their call to the priesthood in college seminary at Bishop Simon Brute in Indianapolis and the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus. See the full video below Men …
Friday Photo: A taste of glory

Staff Report By this point in the summer, students have long forgotten what was on their final exam. Sure to be remembered, however, are moments like the one captured above. Featuring Alter High School students Kyly Borton, Kristen Petrovsky, Abby Nichols, and Perri Bockrath, this photo was taking after the …
Throwback Thursday: ‘True Freedom depends on God’

Staff Report Saturday will mark the 239th birthday of the United States of America. The nation, which in its founding document makes multiple references to man’s creator, is also home to nearly 70 million Catholics. Recent legislation and court decisions have left some Catholics wondering about the state of religious freedom in …