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Archbishop to offer opening remarks at Nostra Aetate event Sunday

Staff Report Archbishop of Cincinnati Dennis M. Schnurr will speak at at 6 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 18, at The James and Caroline Duff Banquet Center in the Cintas Center at Xavier University, to mark the 50th anniversary of Nostra Aetate: The Declaration on Relations of the Church to Non-Christian Religions.
Week 7 standings and week 8 opponents for Catholic high school football teams

Staff Report And then there was one. Bishop Fenwick stands as the only unbeaten Catholic high school football team in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and its 7-0 record means the Falcons control their own destiny as far as the playoffs are concerned. Fenwick hosts 2-5 Roger Bacon tonight. Speaking of …
Throwback Thursday: Supporting the missions, then and now

Staff Report This Sunday, Oct. 18, is World Mission Sunday. It is a day set aside by Pope Pius XI in 1926 for the Catholic Church to renew its commitment to being a missionary church. Today’s Throwback Thursday highlights an editorial cartoon on this very topic.
St. Rita School for the Deaf brings centennial celebration to Fountain Square

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph St. Rita School for the Deaf has been serving southwestern Ohio for nearly 100 years. Three days before celebrating its official centennial, students, staff and volunteers gathered on Cincinnati’s Fountain Square to bring the party to the downtown.
Marianist priest ordained in Dayton

Press Release Marianist Father Robert Craig Jones was ordained a priest on Oct. 3, 2015, at Queen of Apostles Chapel in Dayton, Ohio. Archbishop Joseph Tobin, C.Ss.R, of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, presided at the ordination.
Lay missionaries offer warm welcome at West Virginia hospitality house

By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph Their faith initially brought Brian and Kathleen DeRouen together as graduate students at the University of Dayton and ultimately let the couple to a hilltop house in West Virginia where all are welcomed with compassion and open arms. Brian originally hails from the …
Week 6 standings and week 7 opponents for Catholic High School football teams

Staff Report The Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s two unbeaten teams continue to steam along as conference play begins to get serious. By this point clear favorites are emerging to win each league and for many, the attention is already on playoff scenarios. If the season ended before this weekend’s games, six …
Throwback Thursday: Journalism education starts early

Staff Report Many a reporter or editor remembers their first exposure to the industry often came at a student newspaper. Today’s Throwback Thursday from the Nov. 19, 1971 edition of The Catholic Telegraph highlights some of Catholic education’s contribution to the field. Pictured is the staff of “The Green Gossip,” a …
Months since major quake, Maryknoll missionary still serving Nepal

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Maryknoll Father Joe Thaler has spent nearly 30 years serving the people of Nepal, but since last April his workload has increased. On April 25, a 8.1 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal, destroying lives and homes. More than 9,000 people have died to date from …