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Catholic Schools Week Central: 2016

Catholic Schools Week 2016, like the many that came before, is a chance to recognize the hard work of Catholic educators, students and parents who make a difference in education. The CT is highlighting Catholic-school related stories all week long and compiling links here at Catholic Schools Week Central. Catholic Schools …
Catholic Schools Week Mass Dayton and Northern Region [Photos]

Students and staff from the Dayton area and northern parts of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati gathered Feb. 3 at St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church in Kettering for the annual Catholic Schools Week Masss. Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Binzer was the celebrant. A Catholic Schools Week Mass for the Cincinnati area was celebrated …
DePaul Cristo Rey celebrates 100 percent college acceptance for seniors

For the second year in a row DePaul Cristo Rey High School in Cincinnati has announced that 100 percent of its senior class has been accepted to college. It’s only February and already DePaul Cristo Rey’s Class of 2016 has hit a milestone – all seniors have been accepted to …
2016 Cincinnati Catholic Schools Week Mass fills cathedral [Photos]

The Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains was full of students and teachers singing in praise to the Lord Tuesday morning for the 2016 Catholic Schools Week Mass for Cincinnati-area schools. Archbishop of Cincinnati Dennis M. Schnurr was the celebrant. Susan Gibbons, interim superintendent of Catholic schools, led the call to …
Fish Fry Guide 2016 now available online

Lent is a season of penance and fasting as Christians everywhere await the resurrection of the Lord at Easter. For Catholics, it also means a hearty dose of fellowship in the form of the parish Fish Fry. This year 93 parishes, schools or institutions submitted information for our 2016 online Fish Fry …
CSW: Archbishop Schnurr takes questions from Catholic high school students

Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr spent more than an hour taking questions from high school students throughout the Archdiocese of Cincinnati Monday to kick off Catholic Schools Week 2016. Students from all Archdiocese of Cincinnati high had the opportunity to participate in the teleconference, which was broadcast this year from Lehman Catholic High …
Past year was time of transition, progress for Catholic schools

The Catholic Schools Office of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati has undergone significant change in the past year. In August, former Superintendent Jim Rigg announced he was stepping down in October to take the top job with the Archdiocese of Chicago Catholic schools. Less than two weeks later, Assistant Superintendent and …
Interim Superintendent sharpens focus on Catholic School mission

The following letter by Susan Gibbons, Interim Superintendent and Director of Educational Services, first appeared in the February 2016 print edition of The Catholic Telegraph. Read more stories at Catholic Schools Week Central It has been my extreme privilege to serve the Archdiocese of Cincinnati as the interim superintendent this year. …
Two archdiocese schools to receive $1.3 million for blended learning

Accelerate Great Schools, a nonprofit fund founded in 2015, has announced its first two grants will benefit St. Francis de Sales in Walnut Hills and St. Cecilia in Oakley. See the full press release below: Accelerate Great Schools is investing up to $128,000 to support Cincinnati Public Schools’ (CPS) work …
Archdiocese employee honored by CRS Rice Bowl

Pam Long, regional director for Catholic Social Action and the Catholic Relief Services’ Diocesan Director in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, received the 2016 CRS Rice Bowl Award today at the annual Catholic Social Ministry Gathering in Washington, D.C. The award was presented to Long by Joan Rosenhauer, Executive Vice President …