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Sam Florian attended football games at Elder High School, from the time he was in pre-school. He recently graduated from Elder, after four years of playing football there himself, and calls the experience at the school “a dream come true.” Florian came to Elder via Our Lady of Victory Parish …

Service to others is important to Emma Kapp, a recent graduate of McNicholas High School. “I see the face of God in others,” she said. “I learn from their faith and genuine kindness.” Kapp, the daughter of Shannon and Jim, attended grade school at Guardian Angels (GA) in Mt. Washington, and …

This year 3,208 students are graduating from the Catholic high schools listed below, a small increase over last year’s total. The largest graduating class this year is St. Xavier High School (389 grads) and the smallest is Royalmont Academy (six grads). The total amount of scholarship money offered to the …

CLEVELAND — Amid the anger, the attacks and the sometimes boisterous nature of this year’s presidential campaign, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati is encouraging parishioners to remember that civility in politics is a virtue. To bring the point home, the archdiocesan Catholic Social Action Office has unveiled the “Civilize It” campaign, stressing …

The month of May in the Catholic Church is traditionally a time to honor Mary, the Mother of God. Lehman Catholic High School, St. Gertrude School in Madeira and St. Ursula Academy were among the schools in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati to continue the traditions of May Crownings this year. …

A 12-page special section highlighting high school graduation and a five pages covering recent ordinations to the permanent diaconate are the primary features in the 44-page June 2016 print edition of The Catholic Telegraph. The newspaper should arrive in mailboxes beginning Friday, May 27. The graduation section begins on page …

The Catholic Telegraph, official newspaper of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, has joined the popular social networking app Instagram as part of ongoing efforts to engage a younger, more diverse audience of Catholics. Users may connect with the newspaper’s newest account by searching the username the_catholic_telegraph within the app. Instagram was …

La Salle High School
On Monday, May 23, the Catholic Schools Office, the La Salle Board of Limited Jurisdiction, and Thomas Luebbe himself signed a new joint statement announcing that the non-renewal of the 17-year principal has been withdrawn, and that instead his resignation has been accepted. Last month it was announced that long-time principal Luebbe’s …

Even with overflow seating prepared, the crowd at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains was standing room only to witness the ordination of seven new priests Saturday, May 21. See more than 50 photos from the event below By laying hands upon them, Archbishop of Cincinnati Dennis M. Schnurr …

The Archdiocese of Cincinnati will ordain seven men to the priesthood Saturday, May 21 at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains. published profiles of each man throughout the week leading up to ordination. Meet those men, as well as three other seminary graduates scheduled for ordination elsewhere, below. Seminarian Profiles …