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Legatus Anniversary Mass at Cathedral (CT/Photo)
The Cincinnati Chapter of Legatus, an organization of Catholic business leaders, is looking forward to a growth spurt as it marks 20 years since it was chartered Dec. 4, 1996, according to president Scott Teepe. “We’ve had a nice influx of 50-somethings,” he said recently. “There’s new energy in the …

Students, parents, alumni, faculty and staff from the St. Gabriel Consolidated School came together Sept. 29, the feast day of their patron saint, for a special Mass that officially kicked off the school’s 150th anniversary celebration. Auxiliary Bishop Joseph R. Binzer presided at the liturgy, which was held at St. …

Students fret as the end of a term means exam week. “I would never encourage a student don’t worry about studying and you’ll be fine. That’s kind of a ‘God will have mercy on you (attitude). But, use of the powers and gifts God has given you is important. I …

MARIA STEIN, Ohio  – As the Year of Mercy comes to an end, Maria Stein Shrine of the Holy Relics will host a gathering to officially mark the closing of the Holy Door that leads to the Relic Chapel on Nov. 20 beginning at 2 p.m. The event will begin …

My Dear Friends in Christ, On the weekend of Nov. 19-20, the feast of Christ the King, Pope Francis will close the Holy Doors of Mercy at the Vatican, and we will do the same in the archdiocese at our own cathedral. While this symbolic gesture will conclude the Extraordinary …

By Walt Schaefer When the 40 original families built the first Queen of Peace Church in 1941 in the small hamlet of Millville on US 27 between Hamilton and Oxford, there was no indoor plumbing. These farming families brought out their horses and equipment and erected what long-time parishioner Adela …

By Andrea Koverman, SC During the week of Oct. 17 hundreds of students from both Mount St. Joseph (MSJU) and Xavier Universities had a unique opportunity to consider to what degree the current criminal justice system reflects one of the tenants of the Catholic faith, namely that all human life …

By Junno Arocho Esteves ROME  — Second chances are hard to come by for people who have served time in prison. They often feel judged and shunned by a society that views them just as former criminals who inevitably will go back to committing crimes. Nevertheless, for 23 people from …

From Left to Right, Rev. Benedict O'Cinnsealaigh Rector Mount Saint Mary's Seminary; Most Rev. William Lori Archbishop of Baltimore; Most Rev. Dennis Schnurr Archbishop of Cincinnati; Rev. David Endres Dean of Mount St. Mary's Seminary (Courtesy Photo)
By Gail Deibler Finke A robust church won’t have its religious freedoms challenged, Archbishop William Lori said in a brief interview following a lecture at The Athenaeum of Ohio November 1. The Archbishop of Baltimore, who is also the head of the USCCB’s Committee on Religious Freedom and the Supreme …

Father Dohrman Byers leads a Walk of Mercy in Brown County (Courtesy Photo)
The St. Martin Deanery Catholic Rural Life in collaboration with the archdiocesan Catholic Social Action Office and the Ursulines of Brown County sponsored a Walk of Mercy for the Land and its People Oct. 23 at the motherhouse grounds of the Ursulines in St. Martin. The walk was planned in …