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Roger Bacon from youth mass
Long-time March for Life participants are looking to this year’s national event with hope and expectation. While both Republicans and Democrats have occupied the White House in the 44 years since Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, no candidate for president has ever promised to do more to restrict …

For the past three years, the Children of Mary have spread love and reverence for the Eucharistic Lord through their ministry and presence in the archdiocese. In November, Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr erected the semi-contemplative religious community as a Public Association of the Faithful. On Nov. 21, the archbishop offered …

Camina con Cristo, a pilot program aimed at raising up lay leaders from within the Latino/Hispanic community in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, recently honored its first thirty-four participants. Dina Beach, Assistant Director for Latino Catechesis at the Archdiocese and coordinator of the pilot said the program forms and empowers leaders …

The application period is now open for Catholic school tuition assistance covering the 2017-18 academic year in our archdiocese. Assistance expenditures will include $2 million from benefactors of One Faith, One Hope, One Love. The number and dollar amounts of individual awards will be determined by the board of the …

On the drive back to Catholic Charities, Chris Kramer contemplated how he would find a three-bedroom home for a family of six refugees arriving in two days. He breathed deeply and prayed to the Lord for help. His prayer was answered when he reached his desk and saw a voicemail …

Pope Francis shared a message of forgiveness, compassion and hope during the Jubilee for Prisoners as the Year of Mercy came to a close in November. As part of the celebration, he also received greetings and prayers from inmates from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Twenty-three local pilgrims traveled to Rome …

Maria Stein Shrine (Courtesy Photo)
MARIA STEIN, Ohio– Prayer to ask the help of Saint Dymphna, the great patron saint of mental illness and epilepsy, will take place on Sunday, Jan. 22, in the Shrine Adoration Chapel at Maria Stein. The service begins at 2 p.m. It is open to all, especially those who have …

Elizabeth Seton Award recipients John DiCola and Janet Schelb (right) pictured with Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati president Sister Joan Elizabeth Cook. (Courtesy Photo)
Delhi Township, Ohio – The Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati awarded the Congregation’s highest honor, the Elizabeth Ann Seton Award, to John DiCola and Janet Schelb on Sunday, Jan. 8, 2017, in the Immaculate Conception Chapel at the Mount St. Joseph Motherhouse. The award recognizes individuals outside the Congregation for …

This Christmas break marked the tenth year that a group of Mount St. Joseph University students went to New Orleans with the goal of serving others by helping families displaced by Hurricane Katrina. The Mount’s group of students, led by campus ministry coordinator Charissa Qiu, included 11 students on a …

The 2017 Warriors to Lourdes Pilgrimage for Non-Wounded, Wounded, Ill or Injured Military Personnel during the 59th Annual International Military Pilgrimage (PMI) will take place May 16-23, 2017. The theme for the 59th PMI is Dona Nobis Pacem (Grant Us Peace). The deadline to apply is January 15, 2017 The …