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Local News
Celebrating the past, looking to the future St. Stephen Parish celebrates 150th anniversary

As St. Stephen Parish in Cincinnati’s Columbia Tusculum neighborhood celebrates 15 decades of serving the area’s Catholics, the congregation is as focused on the future as on looking at the past. “There are more than 200 families now and we are beginning to grow,” said Mike Keating, life-long parishioner and …
Cincinnati’s Oratory Celebrates

On April 25, Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr celebrated the establishment Mass for the Oratory of St. Philip Neri in Cincinnati, based at Old St. Mary’s Church in Over-the-Rhine. Known for splendid liturgies, the Oratory welcomed the archbishop, representatives from Rome, and supporters with new Officially approved by Pope Francis earlier …

Pat Goedde, a 1991 La Salle alum and the top assistant and JV Head Coach for the Lancers, has been named the 4th Head Varsity Basketball Coach in the 56 year history of La Salle High School, Director of Athletics Keith Pantling announced on Tuesday. “After hours of conversations with …
Divine Mercy Sunday at St. Bartholomew

By Gail Finke “There are people in our lives who need to receive the mercy of God,” Father Benedict O’Cinnsealaigh said Sunday at St. Bartholomew Church in Finneytown. “They need to receive it from us. But it may be that we need to receive it from them. Today is the …
Rev. James R. Brooks

Reverend James R. Brooks died on April 22, 2017. He was born on October 11, 1977 in Dayton, Ohio. He studied Classical Humanities at the Legion of Christ College of Humanities and Novitiate in Cheshire, Connecticut. He received a Licentiate Degree in Philosophy and Moral Theology from the Ateneo Pontificio …
Help Jesus in Disguise: A letter from Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Our archdiocese will be taking up The Catholic Relief Services Collection (CRSC) April 29 and 30. By participating in this collection, you are responding to Jesus in disguise in some of the most marginalized communities in our world. The CRSC provides services for immigrants, …
Prison chaplain pleads for life of Death Row inmate

Every few weeks Chris Gebhart gets in his car and takes a drive into scenic southeast Ohio to visit men awaiting death. Gebhart, retired president of finance, controller, and member of the board of directors for 26 years at Gold Medal Products, describes himself as a “squeaky clean guy” who …
Stuff Luke Carey found for April: Chastity

Chasity. Few church teachings seem as antiquated to my fellow millennials as chastity. The church’s teaching on sexuality are beautiful, true and good. But Descartes, the Enlightenment, Nietzsche and the entire twentieth century ensured the church’s teaching on sexuality would be an afterthought to most millennials. And it worked. So, …
40 Days for Life Spring Campaigns End

By Gail Finke 40 Days for Life Spring prayer vigils in Cincinnati, Sharonville, and Dayton ended on Palm Sunday. This year the prayer vigil, which coincides with Lent, was held in 50 cities in Europe as well as in more than dozens of cities throughout North America. While the campaign …
Information if you’re having a significant Wedding Anniversary this year

Are you celebrating a significant wedding anniversary in 2017? Married couples celebrating a significant wedding anniversary (25, 40, 50, 60, 65, 70, 75) in 2017 are invited to request a congratulatory certificate from Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr. These certificates will be distributed at your parish in late July or at …