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Beautiful Lengths 2017 -Beth Hobbs (7th grade) and mother Julie Hobbs (Courtesy Photo)
St. John XXIII Catholic School, Middletown, hosted a Pantene Beautiful Lengths event May 5 to provide natural hair wigs for those suffering from the side effects of cancer treatment The school day began with their faculty, staff and students supporting an indoor walk-a-thon due to bad weather. While it was …

Tyler Lachey (Courtesy Photo)
SIDNEY – Tyler Lachey a junior at Lehman Catholic High School in Sidney, Ohio has been selected to be among 1,000 attendees at West Point’s prestigious Summer Leaders Experience (SLE) in June. More than 5,000 juniors nationwide applied to SLE, which offers outstanding high school juniors the opportunity to experience …

Pictured (l to r): Very Rev. Benedict O’Cinnsealaigh, Most Rev. Joseph R. Binzer, Rev. David Doseck, Most Rev. Dennis M. Schnurr, Rev. Alexander Witt, Rev. Peter Langenkamp and Rev. Anthony Brausch.
The Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s newest Priest received their assignments. Beginning July 1, 2017, Reverend David Doseck will be at St. John Fisher and St. Veronica Parish; Reverend Peter Langenkamp will be at Holy Angels and teaching at Lehman High School; and Reverend Alexander Witt will be at the Coldwater Cluster …

Twelve Lehman Catholic High School students participated in this year’s State Science Day held recently at French Field House on the campus of The Ohio State University. The 69th annual event involved over 1,200 science research projects exhibited by students in grades 7-12 from schools across the state of Ohio. …

St. Meinrad, IN – Mrs. Joy Roose from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, a student in the Graduate Theology Program at Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology, was awarded a Master of Theological Studies on Saturday, May 13, 2017. Graduates accepted their diplomas from the Rt. Rev. Kurt Stasiak, OSB, …

Franciscan Father Al Hirt, pastor of St. Monica-St. George Parish Newman Center, prepares to throw the switch on the inverters that convert solar power DC to alternating current on the roof of the parish center recently. (Courtesy Photo)
Things are sunshine bright for the parishioners of St. Monica-St. George Parish Newman Center now that a solar-powered lighting upgrade to LED lighting has been completed. And an incentive grant from Duke Energy for lighting upgrade with the operating savings will ensure a payoff of the $127,465 project in less …

Through a partnership with Learning Through Art Cincinnati and Elder High School’s Tech-Reach program, the Literacy Network co-hosted their second Family Literacy Night on Thursday, May 4, 2017 at Elder’s Schaeper Center. Children and their parents were invited to gather at Elder High School for an evening of reading with …

Alexander T. Witt Family: Father: Michael L. Witt (computer software engineer); Mother: Jennifer A. Witt (d. 2016) (psychiatric nurse); Sisters: Laura, Anna; Brother: Broderick Parish: St. John the Baptist, Harrison, Ohio. Schooling: K-2: St. Margaret Mary, North College Hill 3-8: St. John the Baptist, Harrison, Ohio High School: Oldenburg Academy …

Peter Langenkamp Family: My parents are Paul and Patricia Langenkamp. My siblings are Phillip, Elizabeth, Maria, David, Teresa, Thomas, Catherine, Regina, Natalie, and Lucy. My dad is a medical doctor. My mother is a nurse. Parish: Holy Trinity, Coldwater Schooling: I attended Coldwater Exempted Village Schools for K-12. I attended …

Deacon David Webb Family: James Webb: laboratory technician, Cyndi Webb: accountant; Michelle Webb( 30) and Christopher Webbm(28) Parish: Church of Saint Benedict (Broken Arrow, OK, in Diocese of Tulsa) Schooling: K-12: Broken Arrow Public Schools, college seminary University of St. Thomas with degrees achieved double majored in philosophy and Catholic …