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Local News
Volunteer Opportunity: Christ Hospital

A call out to our readers who would like to volunteer. The Christ Hospital Main Campus at 2139 Auburn Ave., Cincinnati OH 45219 is in need of volunteers to distribute communion to patients. To volunteer, Please call Dan Long at (513) 315-3006 or email him at [email protected].
Kolping Festival and Shooting Competition Returns

German Catholics gathered with non-Catholic Germans and Cincinnatians of all kinds for the annual Kolping Society of Cincinnati’s Schutzenfest, billed as the oldest German festival in the nation. A revival of a medieval German “marksman contest,” the festival held at the organization’s Mt. Healthy clubhouse and park culminates in a …
Before Two-a-days: Football in Prayer

SportsLeader, a character-building program for Catholic athletes in high school and elementary school, held Its annual Rosary Rally for football programs in the southern part of the archdiocese on the grounds of Cincinnati’s seminary this week. Eight local teams and a team who traveled four hours from Illinois gathered in …
Summer Theology on Tap

It’s the Summer Theology on Tap. Here’s a great chance to have an evening of Faith, Food, and Fellowship for young adults 18-39 in a casual setting. It all takes place at El Rancho Nuevo 9229 Floer Dr. in West Chester. Gather at 7:00 p.m. for the Social Half-Hour, Talk …
Setting the Stage

On July 20th, the Office for Young Adult Evangelization and Discipleship launched their first in a series of concerts. Chris Cole, a singer song-writer and recording artist based in Baton Rouge, took the crowd on a journey of human experience through song and reflection. The concert was held in Synod …
Visiting missionaries share experiences at area parishes: Meet Sister Swarna Latha Vennabusa

Sister Swarna Latha Vennabusa is a member of the Sisters of Christ the Light, Christu Jyothi, from southern India. “By birth I am not a Christian, but I became one when my whole family converted from Hinduism, thanks to the remarkable kindness of a Catholic priest,” said Sister Swarna. “My …
Visiting missionaries share experiences at area parishes: Meet Father Charles Rajan

Father Charles Rajan is an Indian member of the Carmelite religious order, ordained in 2008. He has come to our archdiocese to make mission appeals on behalf of the Diocese of Kumbakonam, located in southeast India. In their diocese, Catholics form 4.66% of the entire population, while Muslims form 4.24% …
Visiting missionaries share experiences at area parishes: Meet Father Expedito Muwonge

Father Muwonge is from the Diocese of Byumba, located in Rwanda, in south central Africa. Ordained in 1989, Father Muwonge has served both in Rwanda and the United States. A long-brewing civil conflict led to a 100-day massacre 23 years ago in Rwanda. The horrific genocidal hostilities between the local …
Visiting missionaries share experiences at area parishes: Meet Father Donatian Kaigoma

Father Kaigoma represents the Diocese of Geita, Tanzania, located in southeast Africa. He explains that their mission is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all through profound evangelization. In turn, they inspire and empower their communities to labor for socio-economic development, healthcare services, good education, and for the …
Visiting missionaries share experiences at area parishes: Meet Juan Gomez

Juan Gomez is a Maryknoll Lay Missioner (MLM) from Colombia. MLM is a Catholic organization inspired by the mission of Jesus to live and work with poor communities in Africa, Asia and the Americas, responding to basic needs and helping to create a more just and compassionate world. It sends and …