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Local News
Vandalism strikes the Society for Preserving our Roman Catholic Heritage

Second Dayton Catholic incident in 2017 includes pipe sabotage. By Walt Schaefer In a brazen act of destruction, vandals ruined or badly damaged Catholic religious items and statuary and a miniature sanctuary at the Dayton headquarters of SPORCH (Society for Preserving our Roman Catholic Heritage) in November. Mary Popp, SPORCH …
Why the Farm Bill matters to all of us.

Every five years, Congress reauthorizes a largely unnoticed piece of legislation dubbed the Farm Bill. But this important law sets federal budget levels for nutrition programs ranging from SNAP – commonly called Food Stamps – and food pantries, many of them operated by parishes. Additionally, this wide-ranging bill sets agricultural …
Sister Helen Prejean featured speaker at 74th Salesian Guild

On February 3rd, Sister Helen Prejean was the keynote speaker at the 74th annual Salesian Guild held at St. Xavier Church in downtown Cincinnati. Sister Helen, a member of the Congregation of Saint Joseph, is a leading advocate to abolish the death penalty in the United States. Her book Dead …
Pope Francis Prayer Intentions for February

Say “No” to Corruption That those who have material, political or spiritual power may resist any lure of corruption.
Ryan Lopez joins Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s Stewardship Office

The Archdiocese of Cincinnati announced that Ryan Lopez is Director of Development Operations for the Stewardship Department. Ryan is a native of Cerritos, California and came to Cincinnati almost 4 years ago as part of the NET Ministries Team and was the Regional Coordinator. Ryan left NET Ministries and has …
Catholic Schools Week: Thousands of Catholic teachers heading to the archdiocese

Cincinnati to host NCEA annual conference this spring Organizers hope for a record-breaking attendance when the National Catholic Education Association (NCEA) annual convention opens in Cincinnati in April. “They’re hoping for 9,500,” said Cindy Hardesty, the vice chair for the local arrangements committee. At 8,800, last year’s convention was the …
Catholic Schools Week Archbishop Schnurr answers questions from Catholic high school students.

Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr spent just over an hour Jan. 29 taking questions from high school students throughout the archdiocese to kick off Catholic Schools Week 2018. Students had the opportunity to participate in a teleconference, broadcast this year from LaSalle High School in Cincinnati. Archbishop Schnurr was seated at …
Catholic Schools Week Mass in Cincinnati 2018

“You are important to the Church,” Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr told students from more than 80 Catholic elementary and high schools and two colleges at the annual Catholic Schools Week Mass at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains Tuesday. “You are important to the Church and to your parishes. …
Elder mourns beloved teacher Mark Klusman

By Patricia McGeever He was hard to miss, that tall, lanky man with the shoulder-length gray hair and beard. Mark Klusman stood out, though he preferred to stand in the background. He graduated from Elder High School then returned a few years later to teach. He was in his 51st …
Breaking News: Senate vote to prevent filibuster on 20-week abortion ban fails

by Courtney Grogan Washington D.C., Jan 29, 2018 / 04:30 pm (CNA).- A procedural vote on a Senate bill to ban abortions after 20 weeks failed on the evening of Jan. 29, after more than three hours of debate. The cloture motion, which would have prevented a filibuster on the …