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Running a high school of 565 students is no small feat, especially when every student is a boy finding his way through his teen years. But that challenge was exactly what Aaron Marshall, principal at La Salle High School in Cincinnati, was looking for when discerning how to merge his …

Breaking the cycle of poverty and providing a faith-based education transforms lives. Firm in that belief, and with proven results, CISE and the Jesuits USA Midwest Province have come together to establish a new all-boys school in Cincinnati’s Bond Hill neighborhood. Tentatively named Cincinnati Jesuit Academy, it opens in the …

“I always encouraged my kids to be who they were created to be… share what they are and what they have with God. Everyone has their own gifts, so whatever that is should be used to bring glory to God’s name and bring people to the Church.” These words were …

On November 13, the universal Church honors c, an Italian missionary who spent much of her life working with Italian immigrants in the United States. Mother Cabrini, who had a deathly fear of water and drowning, crossed the Atlantic Ocean more than 30 times in service of the Church and …

Holy Thursday Morning at St. Boniface Cincinnati (Greg Hartman/CT Photo)
by Emma Cassani and Gail Finke Four Chaplains Mass Held every February for more than 40 years, the Four Chaplains Mass at St. Boniface honors the chaplains (a priest, a rabbi, and two ministers) who died together on the SS Dorchester in 1943. The service includes color bearers from the …

Today, on the day of his martyrdom, Nov. 12, Roman Catholics and some Eastern Catholics remember St. Josaphat Kuntsevych, a bishop and monk whose example of faith inspired many Eastern Orthodox Christians to return to full communion with the Holy See. Other Eastern Catholics, including the Ukrainian Catholic Church, celebrate …

This year Sister Laura Will, C.PP.S. celebrates 75 years with the Sisters of the Precious Blood (Dayton) along with her classmates, Sisters Ruth Ann Meyer and Eva Roehrich, C.PP.S. Together, they mark 225 years of religious life, of which Sister Will says more than 125 years were spent in the …

As the pastoral planning initiative Beacons of Light moves forward, Catholic Telegraph writers are meeting with its leaders to bring you the most up-to-date and accurate information, describe how decisions are made and clearly explain what to expect. Visit to sign up for the free Beacons Update newsletter. Nothing …

Music is a language like no other. Whether you speak English, Spanish, or another of the thousands of languages, music is a language that can speak to everyone. As Greg Pierson, a parishioner and Minister of Music at Mother of Christ Church in Winton Hills said, “It’s the language that …

Sts. Elizabeth and Zachariah were the parents of John the Baptist. She was a relative of Mary the Mother of God; no one knows the exact biological relationship between them, but tradition often says that they were cousins. The Gospel of Luke states that though Elizabeth had committed no evil …