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Beyond the Field

True sportsmanship goes beyond the actions and play on a field or court. It encompasses respect, graciousness and support for one another. This football season the St. Antoninus (St. A) Bandit division football team and its opponents collaborated in support of one special boy: Braxtin Gruber. Braxtin dreamed of playing …
A Question of Faith: O What?

I heard that during Advent’s final days the “O Antiphons” are prayed as part of Evening Prayer. What are these antiphons? As Catholics go through the liturgical year, no day is the same as another. As you mention in your question, one example of this variation is the “O Antiphons,” …
Prayer for December 11 Tornado Outreak

Compassionate Lord, we pray for those who have been devastated by today’s devastating tornado outbreak in Arkansas, Tennessee, Missouri and Kentucky. We remember those who have lost their lives so suddenly. We hold in our hearts the families forever changed by grief and loss. Bring them consolation and comfort. Surround …
December 11 – Pope Saint Damasus

Saint Damasus was born in Rome at the beginning of the fourth century. His father, a widower, had received Holy Orders there and served as parish priest in the church of St. Laurence. Damasus was archdeacon of the Roman Church in 355 when the Pope, Saint Liberius, was banished to …
First Vespers for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception: Tuesday, December 7

First Vespers for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, music by the Athenaeum Chorale and the Mount St. Mary’s Latin Schola. This event will include the chanting of the psalms and canticles of Evening Prayer for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, the Patroness of the Seminary. The concert will …
Synod 2021 2023 For a Synodal Church Communion Participation Mission

THE SYNOD ON SYNODALITY’S GOAL & PURPOSE In last month’s Catholic Telegraph, Father Earl Fernandes wrote about synodality as it pertains to Beacons of Light. Synodality means walking together as a community on the pilgrim journey that we live on earth. By virtue of our baptism, we are all called …
Advent Calendar 2021

Friday, November 26 – Saturday, December 25 Franciscan Christmas 2021 St. Francis Seraph Courtyard, Liberty & Vine Sts., Cincinnati 45202 This year the displays of A Franciscan Christmas are coming back to the church and friary. The nativities from around the world will be displayed in church in the alcoves …
Families of Parishes Finalized

Today Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati promulgated the Families of Parishes as part of the Beacons of Light initiative. For the Letter From the Archbishop Beacons of Light Letter from The Archbishop For the Transcript of Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr’s announcement Archbishop Schnurr’s Annoncement The following …
A Closer Look: Generosity, Gratitude and Breaking the Favor Bank

In the U.S., we often refer to the time frame spanning Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day as “the holidays.” In reference to Thanksgiving and Christmas, it is indeed appropriate to think of the two holidays as joined by a common leitmotif of giving and receiving. Thanksgiving is, obviously, the day …
Making Catholic Memories: St Barbara

If you will indulge us, we would like to start this article with a brief story. Once upon a time there lived a young girl whom her parents loved with all their hearts. She was taken from them, however, by an evil witch who wanted the young girl for herself. …