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Dealing Emotionally With Parish Changes
by Father Robert J Hater, PHD How do parishioners cope with major changes occurring in their parishes? This question is especially significant when a member of the faithful is involved in parish affairs or has a long history with the parish. We all experience life changes. Some are rewarding, like …
Making Saints
How does the Church decide whether someone is a saint? Sometimes it is said that the Catholic Church “makes” someone a saint, but whether a person is a saint or not is decided by God, not the Church. At the same time, there is a lengthy Church process for declaring …
Holiness as the Perfection of Charity
Among the more famous passages from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah is the anthem of the Seraphim who surround God’s throne and chant, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts! All the earth is filled with his glory!” (Is. 6:3.) It introduces a central paradox for Christians, because …
The friendly wager between Archbishop José H. Gomez of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati on the Big Game between the LA Rams and the Cincinnati Bengals was a big win for students in both Archdiocese, with more than $22,000 raised …
To Know or Not to Know? That is the question
“What does it mean to know God?” A reader sent this question recently, and it just about floored me. This isn’t a surface-level inquiry about a particular doctrine or practice. This is one of those deep, fundamental questions that digs down into the heart of human existence. Every single person …
A Question of Faith: When is Marriage A Sacrament
As part of marriage preparation, the priest informed us only a marriage between two baptized persons is a sacrament. Since my fiancé is not baptized, how will the Church view our marriage? Catholics exult marriage, believing God is its author. Marriage is meant to be a covenant between two baptized …
February 14: Saints Cyril, Monk and Methodius, Bishop
On Feb. 14, the universal Church honors two brothers, Sts. Cyril and Methodius, who are called the “Apostles of the Slavs” for their tireless work in spreading the Gospel throughout Eastern Europe in the ninth century. Such was their influence in Church history, through their evangelization efforts, that the late …
Why Love Is More than a Feeling
What if we were to make all our decisions solely based on how we felt in the moment? You may be familiar with the four types of love: eros (love of desire), storge (love of affection), philia (love of friendship), and agape (self-giving love). While each of these forms of …
SOLT Sisters Cheer on the Bengals and Pray for Their Guardian Angels
by Jessica Rinaudo From Cincinnati, OH, to Corpus Christi, TX, Catholics are showing their support for the Cincinnati Bengals in this Sunday’s Big Game. Among the team’s top fans are two Sisters of the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT). Sisters Mary Mediatrix and Maryam Caritas …