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A school should never have to experience tragedy. No one argues with that, like not disputing that parents should never have to bury their child. These statements are anchored in powerful emotions. But, of course, life isn’t always as it should be. My son’s school recently experienced a tragedy: the …

St. Hyacinth was one of the first members of the Dominicans (the Order of Preachers) and the “apostle of the North”, and is also called the “Apostle of Poland.” Hyacinth was born into nobility in 1185 at the castle of Lanka, at Kamin, in Silesia, Poland, and received an impressive …

Over the past few years, there have been contentious public arguments over who has authority to educate children and what should be included (or excluded) from the curriculum. Many politicians and pundits declared that parents should have little or no input into curriculum decisions and proposed learning outcomes. For example, …

Virtue = Strength (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
by Zelda Caldwell Washington D.C., Aug 15, 2022 / 16:06 pm An article published Sunday in The Atlantic magazine suggests the rosary has become a symbol of violent, right-wing extremism in the United States. The article set off a frenzy of reactions among Catholics, ranging from amusement to grave concern over what …

Katherine and Hannah Geiger have walked similar paths their whole lives. Until God called them to different vocations.

Today, Catholics and many other Christians celebrate the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This significant feast day recalls the spiritual and physical departure of the mother of Jesus Christ from the earth, when both her soul and her body were taken into the presence of God. …

We believe that Mary was assumed into heaven body and soul, but was that before or after her death? The belief in the Assumption of Mary is not based on eyewitness accounts, nor is it recorded directly in Scripture. This means that the exact details are unknown, which leaves several …

Boys from the St. Gertrude Football squad await praying the rosary. (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
There are thousands of tips and techniques out there for all aspects of parenting. But the single most important one gives meaning and purpose to the joys and struggles of everyday life: eternal salvation! God has given us charge over our children for His good purpose; namely, to teach them …

By Walt Schaefer Missionaries, the Cincinnati Reds, the Venezuelan Air Force. A number of improbable things came together in 1990 to create Davey Concepción Field in Barquisimeto, Venezuela. • Cincinnatian Mike Gable, his wife, Kathy, and their four young sons had been assigned to serve as lay Maryknoll missioners in …