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by Kelsey Wicks Denver, Colo., Nov 24, 2022 / 09:00 am The start of basketball season always coincides with the American holiday of Thanksgiving, lending a proper season to be grateful for the American-born sport. But precisely how grateful should Catholics be for basketball (or any other sport, for that …

When I was a little girl, my sister and I sang the children’s Bible school song lyrics: “I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart.” We sang it with complete abandon, at full volume, with our heads thrown back. We meant it and felt it. As the …

What do you want out of life? That’s a big question, right? I think we all, on some level, want our lives to be full and joyful. What does it mean to be joyful? You could say a lot of things in response to this question. Perhaps that joy is …

Marianist Father Bob Jones Embraces Vocation with Goodness and Hope by Kary Ellen Berger Rejoicing is one characteristic Father Bob Jones, SM, has embodied throughout his life from school, to priesthood and everywhere in between. A Fort Wayne, IN, native, Father Jones graduated from the University of Dayton (UD) with …

By Sr Constance Veit, lsp Thanksgiving will soon be upon us with its cornucopia of beloved traditions – from pilgrim scenes to turkey, pumpkin pie, parades and football. Today, however, the warm, nostalgic sentiments once associated with this holiday have been overshadowed by our 21st century indictment of the first …

202212 – St Charles de Foucauld Template St. Charles de Foucauld craft

St. Cecilia’s family was one of the principle families of Rome. According to the cultural custom of the time, Cecilia’s family betrothed her to a pagan nobleman named Valerian despite St. Cecelia’s consecration to God. On their wedding night, Cecilia told Valerian that she had sworn to remain a virgin …

  If you ever wanted to see my Grandpa Fred smile, all you had to do was turn on some old Gospel music, get out the guitar, or sit at the piano and start playing some chords. No matter what you played, Grandpa started singing along. Very rarely, though, he …

The Gospel teaches us that those blessed with earthly riches should strive to share their riches with our brothers and sisters who are less fortunate. Sometimes, the riches are an abundance of food and clothing; other times, it is the wisdom and grace to recognize a purpose God placed on …

Finding joy in little things by Eileen Connelly, OSU What brings us joy varies from person to person. Father George Jacquemin finds joy in a hobby that connects him to his roots and God’s creation: beekeeping. Raised on the family farm in Fairfield, Father Jacquemin often played with beekeeping equipment …