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On Jan. 31, the Roman Catholic Church honors St. John Bosco (or “Don Bosco”), a 19th century Italian priest who reached out to young people to remedy their lack of education, opportunities, and faith. John Bosco was born in August of 1815 into a family of peasant farmers in Castelnuovo …

by Kary Ellen Berger When studying to become a doctor, medical students might make an oath to practice medicine with integrity, honesty and compassion to best meet the patients’ needs. With this in mind, mastering both the academics and compassion for others made Kristin (Reeve) Renner the doctor she is …

On the eve of His passion and death, Jesus took ordinary bread and wine, blessed them, and gave them to His friends as His Body and Blood commanding, “Do this in memory of me.” The next day He offered Himself – Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity – to God the …

The Corpus Christi procession concluded with Benediction at the Chapel of St. Gregory the Great (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
Though I never strayed too far from my faith, I began to take it more seriously in college and explore my childhood faith as an adult. This renewal led to exciting changes: I transferred to a new school, made new friends, and got involved with retreats and other faith-based programs. …

PDF: Making Catholic Memories January 23 St. Thomas Aquinas Write Like a Saint   Supplies:  1 plastic drinking straw Scissors Speedball Calligraphy Ink Large feather St. Thomas Aquinas Copy Work Template  Instructions:  If using a large feather, measure the length of the feather’s shaft then cut the straw about an inch …

“What made you decide to convert to Catholicism?” This is one of the main questions I’m asked when people find out I’m a convert, especially friends in Catholic circles. There are a lot of factors I can point to in response. I married a cradle Catholic who had a reversion …

Among Catholics, an emphasis on one true aspect of Communion often leads to the denigration (if not effective denial) of another true aspect of Communion. Some Catholics emphasize the Real Presence of Christ on the altar at the words of consecration, but ignore the Eucharist’s community-forming nature. Others emphasize Communion’s …

by Dominick Albano It’s hard to imagine a heartbreak worse than losing a child. When a young Catholic speaker gave a Lenten parish mission, he shared with the audience his dreams for his children. “I pray that they will be happy, healthy and, most importantly, holy.” After the talk, a …

1) University Eucharistic Procession The Newman Center at Miami University in Oxford, OH, hosted a Eucharistic procession to the center of Miami’s Campus on Nov. 6. Part of the closing ceremony for the 40 hours devotion that weekend, it included students and a faculty member 2) Scientific Journal Publishes Manuscript …

Seton High School's Life Squad March for Life in Washington DC (Courtesy Photo)
Live & complete coverage of the most important pro-life event of the year. Join along virtually for the 50th annual March for Life in Washington DC, the first one in a post-Roe America.