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Lent looks a little different this year thanks to social distancing and health and safety protocols. And while some parishes will keep their fish fries going by means of carry out and drive-thru options, many churches are opting to skip this year’s Lenten tradition. But all hope is not lost! …

By Peter Pinedo Washington D.C., Mar 15, 2023 / 15:55 pm Miami University’s student government association has plans to install a “Plan B” emergency contraception vending machine on its Oxford, Ohio, campus in time for the fall semester. Plan B emergency contraception, also known as “the morning-after pill,” is a one-step …

At St. Gabriel Consolidated School in Glendale, students are busy building rockets, electrical circuits, solar cars and bridges. But they’re not just constructing things, they’re playing and learning as they create; it’s part of the school’s Aerospace/STEM program, supported by the Civil Air Patrol. Coordinator Kate Szczap hopes the initiative …

What do we know about Judas? Was he forgiven for betraying Jesus? Do we know if he went to heaven or hell? Judas Iscariot is shown in the Scriptures as the betrayer of Jesus. Even though he walked with Jesus, listened to Him preach, and saw Him heal the sick, …

1) Respect Life Award Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr presented the 2022 Respect Life Award to Denise “Dennie” Stieritz on Jan. 15. A a longtime volunteer for Dayton Right to Life and educator at Carroll High, Stieritz has impacted thousands of students and adults through her pro-life witness and advocacy. 2) …

Sharing the Good News of our faith may seem an easy concept, but it doesn’t always come to fruition. That’s why the Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) reserves funds to aid evangelization. “Embracing evangelization in our archdiocese and beyond, in our parishes and through ministries like those supported by the Catholic …

My husband and I were exchanging ideas—sweets, alcohol, eating between meals. What to give up for Lent? On Easter I want to experience the deep, abiding joy offered through Christ’s victory over death, which I know calls for a sacrifice that asks a lot of me. As I opened my …

The National Men’s Conference is a one-day event filled with virtue, inspirational speakers, fellowship, networking and spiritual growth. Hosted in Cincinnati at Xavier University on March 25, its goal is to bring men together in faith, regardless of where they may be on their faith journey. “[The conference’s] sole mission …

As someone who works in the Center for the New Evangelization, it warms my heart to see this issue devoted to evangelization. It’s also edifying to flip through these pages and read so many stories of how people from across our archdiocese live and proclaim the Gospel. Each story, in …

At every Mass we witness a miracle right before our eyes, but it is a miracle we can apprehend only through the eyes of faith. The bread and wine brought to the altar are changed into the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ. In addition to this astounding …