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Every human and community experiences social maladies. American culture has long displayed symptoms of these pathologies—and American Christianity along with it. From susceptibility to conspiracy theories, vulgar aesthetic taste, avarice, smugness, partisanship, indifference to human suffering: Christians often showed themselves as spiritually unprepared as everyone else. Our imaginations need rescue, …

Note: This article is part of an ongoing series on Pope St. John Paul II’s “Theology of the Body” (TOB). While recently discussing the issue of “shamelessness” in this series, I identified pornography as the most prevalent example in today’s culture. Last month, I began to answer the question of …

1) Sewing for Good at St. Ignatius The Scarf It Up Club’s 75 members at St. Ignatius Parish, Cincinnati, collectively crochet, knit, sew and quilt. Their mission is to create warm, attractive items to comfort those in need or going through tough times. Serving 16 community agencies, in 2022 they …

I have one living grandparent. My mother’s father is a spry 97-year-old who still makes the trip between his home in New York and his sisters’ home county of Donegal, Ireland. The stories he tells are a charming weave of Irish exaggeration and straight facts, though it’s occasionally hard to …

by Patircia McGeever On a rainy Friday night in March, nearly 500 people gathered in Mater Dei Chapel at Mount St. Joseph University to watch a free screening of the movie At the End of the Santa Fe Trail. It depicts key moments in the life of legendary Sister of …

For current and former parishioners of Holy Angels Church in Dayton, the idea to share love and compassion with people overseas sprouted when the parish’s Twinning Committee formed in 2012. Committee members then decided on a twinning relationship with a parish in Rwanda. “There are Holy Angels parishioners who are …

Through its Carroll on the Go program, Carroll High School in Dayton offers travel abroad to its students. Beth Branum, Carroll’s World Languages Department Chair and an EF Tours trainer, oversees the program that typically schedules annual trips over spring break for seven to eleven days. “Eighth grade parents and …

Born in a remote village in Bhutan, a small country sandwiched between two big countries—China in the north and India—I completed my primary education at Dorokha Primary School, a 40 minute walk from my home. In 1990, while I was in high school, the government forcefully evicted 100,000 Nepali-speaking citizens …

Effective March 6, 2023 Reverend Gianluca Roso, MCCJ, Parochial Vicar of S12 Family of Parishes which includes Holy Family, St. Boniface, St. Joseph, St. Leo the Great, and St. Therese Little Flower, Cincinnati. Effective April 1, 2023 Reverend Jedidiah Tritle, Parochial Vicar of NE3 Family of Parishes which includes Mary, …